scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, July 25, 2009
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Kristophr said...
7/25/09, 3:47 PM
- Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
Are you a little burnt out, sir? Interesting story (not interesting but I'm going to tell it). I was down at the 'Department of Economic Security' because I'm a poor college student and I can't pay for books and damn rent, and keep the possible recurrence of skin cancer in check, without insurance.
The first sign I saw as I walked through the door of the GOVERNMENT, DEPARTMENT, OF, ECONOMIC, SECURITY was that 'This is a private property, and concealed weapons (firearms, or knifes) will not be tolerated on the premises.
Don't we all own a piece of that property? -
7/25/09, 4:00 PM
JMcD said...
Maybe we brag about the wrong stuff.....
Many years ago, about 50, I was talking to a little kid, paper boy, who hailed from Germany and after determining his name and origin I asked him how long he had been in the States..."A year and a half", he said...."Do you like the USA", I asked him...."Oh yes, very much!" said he said, enthusiastically...."Well", says I, "I'm glad you're happy here"..."What do you like the best about the United States?", was my next question.....His eyes went upwards in a thought mode, and finger tips to lips he said..."Ummm,...I like the corn"....." Me too, pal, I like the corn", says I. -
7/25/09, 4:16 PM
Anonymous said...
Why is there a 'permanent press' setting on an iron?
Tim -
7/25/09, 5:10 PM
- Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
Why isn't there a permanent removal for the press?
7/25/09, 5:19 PM
- Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
Is there anyone that plays video games, who reads this blog? I figure I'm in general, one of the younger readers. But I've been pretty addicted to this game called Fallout 3.
The events leading up to the 'Great War' are sort of sketchy. But China invaded Alaska (apparently in response to the Middle East (not called OPEC, but clearly, that's what it was) raising oil prices incredibly high.
The Canadians resist letting our troops pass through to the battlefields in Alaska, but we exert a lot of pressure on them, and they finally allow it. Down the line, while the Alaskan Conflict is ongoing, we ended up Annexing Canada, as the staging ground had turned into a full on arm of the US (despite the populaces protests) anyway.
Eventually we push them back, but not before the 'European Commonwealth' (games version of EU), invades (lol) the Middle East to secure resources from the Arabs trying to rip us off.
The 'Resource Wars' were ended by 'The Great War' which had every Nuclear Armed Nation launching weapons (mainly America, China, and the USSR). The destruction took two hours, the earths climate shifted, yada yada.
In Fallout 3, you come out of a 'vault' which has been closed for hundreds of years. You were born and raised there. Anyway, you come out into the 'Capital Wasteland' formerly Washington DC and the surrounding areas. It runs rampant with Super Mutants, Raiders, Ghouls (not zombies, but living conduits of radiation, that used to be people).
That whole aspect of it is kind of stupid. But today, hearing some guy talking about 20 dollar a gallon gas (he was a hippie, it IS NPR), it got me thinking. That and an article I read about how the Chinese were developing (or had developed and were beginning to use, I don't remember which) technology capable of drilling just outside of the United States territorial waters, and drilling down and into the ground, sapping our oil supplies under the ocean.
I don't see Super Mutants and Slavers and Raiders in our future, but the whole escalation over resources seems more than a little feasible. If we wont drill for our own oil, the Chinese will.
(Sorry, this was totally random and all, just wondering if anyone had heard of it, or, probably unlikely, had played it.) -
7/25/09, 5:59 PM
- BlogDog said...
With all the nonsense going on, I think it just stinks that Rachl Lukis lost her wonderful dog the other day. Gidget the Taco Bell chihuahua and Sunny Lukis. Don't these things come in threes?
Rodger, I'll say a prayer for Reagan. -
7/25/09, 6:00 PM
Moby Rhinegauld said...
Are Men Obsolete?
http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/07/are_men_obsolete.html -
7/25/09, 7:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Take a needed break, TRKOF. For a bit 'o the light...
After selling our home and departing CA for a time of RV living, we ended up in the panhandle for a few months care taking home/pets for our deployed kids. Our service began late May and is yet ongoing and early amid HIGH heat I composed a simple list, for humor's sake by folks used to a "dry" heat.
Ten Things I Learned About Florida
1.) Of the seven native species of pines growing in FL there are NO mountains.
2.) That when the temp says 93 it has a heat index of 110+. Beware.
3.) There is an endless supply of obnoxious bug species, that bite.
4.) If you leave dry clothes in the dryer overnight they become wet again.
5.) When stepping outdoors one's eyeglasses will fog like opening an oven door.
6.) DTV includes infomercial channels as part of your "package".
7.) Sand is considered soil upon which homes and gardens are built.
8.) Swimming pools are kept in the protective custody of screening.
9.) In a place where Hurricanes persist the power lines remain above ground.
10.) Floridians move about in the heat as if nothing is wrong. :)
juice -
7/25/09, 7:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Lesson of the day. A 55lb thrust Minn Kota trolling motor on a 16' flats skiff will not catch a Manatee that don't want his picture taken. That's in less than two feet of water on a grass flat in Biscayne Bay.
7/25/09, 7:52 PM
Chuck Martel said...
I'm more of a Halo/Call of Duty kinda' guy myself.
7/25/09, 7:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey Juice,
Most of those bugs you mentioned are big enough to be sporting their own license plates too!
Ad rem...... -
7/25/09, 8:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Thirteen months in the door of a Marine UH34D kinda ruined me towards video games.... Why the hell would anyone want MORE combat?
7/25/09, 8:19 PM
jodi said...
I've been meaning to tell you that Dad loved the TV ears! He finally let me hook them up about a month ago. He said they are right next to slice bread. Thanks for the suggestion. As always you were right again. -
7/25/09, 8:34 PM
ET said...
Trying to identify the various evils destroying our country, but having retired twice, I'm sorta outta touch these days. Ergo, I defer to the judgment of Our Savior, The One We've Been Waiting For, B.O his se'f. Began listenin closely to what he says, and imagine my surprise in learning that many of the fundamental things that made America the greatest county on earth are actually evil. Here's a partial list of evil provided by President Obama through his speeches and news conferences:
oil companies are evil
insurance companies are evil
stock brokers are evil
banks are evil
coal companies are evil
The U.S. Constitution is evil
CEOs are evil
Joe the Plumber is evil
pharmaceutical companies are evil
American foreign policy prior to Obama's presidency is evil
Las Vegas, NV and Orlando, FL are evil
car dealers are evil
Sarah Palin is evil
conservatives are evil
General Motors is evil (wait! Or is GM now a victim of evil. Not sure, must wait to see if GM makes a profit. Then, GM will be evil.)
doctors are evil
nurses are evil
Rush Limbaugh is evil
hospitals are evil (except the Mayo Clinic and the University of Chicago Medical Center)
white policemen are evil (or is it just "stupid")
Fox News is evil
USA made condoms are evil
Sean Hannity is evil
republicans are evil
those who make a profit are evil
George W. Bush is evil
blue dog democrats are evil
capitalism is evil
lobbyists are evil
Wal-Mart is evil
Those who drive SUVs are evil
Those who keep their air conditioners at 72 degrees are evil
wealthy people are evil
those who eat as much as they want are evil
those who don't exercise are evil
those who object to redistribution of wealth are evil
opposition to my health-care plan is evil
criticism of ACORN is evil
the unborn are evil
the elderly are evil
cow flatulence is evil
carbon dioxide is evil -
7/25/09, 9:00 PM
- Fierce Guppy said...
Yeah, Josh, I've started playing Fallout 3. Megaton is a fraking ~dump!~ Being inside Megaton is almost as bad as being outside with the raiders, mole rats, wild dogs and giant insects.
Having said that, I am not tempted by Burke to nuke it. I am tempted to kill Burke, though. -
7/25/09, 9:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Pawn to king's pawn four.
Your move.
—Doug -
7/25/09, 9:44 PM
- BlogDog said...
The cake is a lie!
7/25/09, 9:51 PM
- Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
Guppy: I only kept it around because I hate going so far to Tenpennys to deposit my stuff. In the building, up the elevator, in the door. Megaton is much more accesible (I'm a nerd)
And BlogDog- Portal is awesome! -
7/25/09, 10:03 PM
Anonymous said...
ET, although you list includes most things America, I believe you omitted the one basic belief JugEars holds most dear: White People are Evil.
Juice -
7/25/09, 10:17 PM
Anonymous said...
One other thing about (north) Florida, this is the only place I know you can get your ass kicked for cheering the wrong college team by a guy who cant spell 'college'.
Tim -
7/25/09, 11:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Good news - Those who keep their air conditioners at 72 degrees are evil, but I keep mine at 70 degrees, so I'm not evil. Whew. I was really worried.
Not news - cow flatulence is evil No shit. So what else is new?
Bittersweet news - On 17 Sep, 2009, Staff Sergeant Jared C. Monti, 10th Mountain Division, will be awarded the MOH, posthumously, for heroism in Afghanistan. Greater love hath no man...
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
7/25/09, 11:47 PM
Anonymous said...
Don't forget, Cops are evil... Well at least white ones.
Thor~ -
7/26/09, 1:10 AM
- Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick; Those people are true heroes. When I think of bravery, in any of it's forms, and the people who've shown it, soldiers of the free world, with American Soldiers, just like Jared Monti taking the lead, are shoulders and above the rest.
7/26/09, 4:31 AM
Alear said...
"Pawn to king's pawn four"
Resign. My chess computer recognizes an untenable position when it's presented. -
7/26/09, 10:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Let's start a 3rd Party: "The RINO Party" We do this by kicking all those big government RINOs out of OUR party, and reclaim the Republican Party for conservatives.
7/26/09, 11:32 AM
- pdwalker said...
I went to Texas for the first time in my life the other week. I visited an American gun shop for the first time ever. It was like being a kid in a candy store. The people I met there were interesting and definitely supporters of the 2nd amendment. If most Texans are like that, I think I'll retire there.
7/26/09, 10:23 PM