Saturday, August 08, 2009

Comparing Health Systems

UK Healthcare
Third largest employer in the world, after the Chinese Red Army and India's national railway.  Most of those employees are administrators.
A video fot that "special person" in your family.  Everyone has at least one (except me).

Glen Beck's interview with British MP Daniel Hannan --about the UK's national health care -- ought  persuade anyone still straddling, and who care about our country, or themselves,  to resist ObamaCare as though their lives depended on it.  Literally.  Interesting to me was his answer to why Brits don't just scrap this monster?
... because it has become such a huge system ... We have 1.4 million people employed by a national health --  the third biggest employer in the world after the red army in China and the Indian national railways. Most of those 1.4 million  people are administrators. That the managers outnumber the doctors -- is the electoral bloc that makes it almost impossible to get rid of -- 

 "[T]he electoral bloc that makes it almost impossible to get rid of, "  is of course why Obama socialists are so keen on it. But, lest anyone think congress critters aren't scared to death by these town hall confrontations ... this:
I can't tell you the number of times the Rostenkowski incident has been mentioned by members of Congress at meetings I've attended. [Rostenkowski Isn't Just On Andrew's Mind]
And then there's this ...
Blue Dog Blues
Moderate Democrats may lose simply because voters don’t want Nancy Pelosi in power.


Anonymous said...

A lot of people think Glenn Beck is a nut but, I find him very in tune with what the hell is going on. Nobody (virtually - Rog excepted) is onto the villian messiah who is trying to push this monster as a teddy bear. Beck is nutty and weird sometimes but, he has good guests and tries to get the truth out in spite of the fact he is virtually alone.

Anonymous said...

"...voters don’t want Nancy Pelosi in power."

Ya mean having her 2 heartbeats away from the Presidency scares the daylights out of you?

Merrily said...

Beck is marginalized because he's more unabashedly passionate than most. But more than that, he's religious (Mormon) and professes his beliefs. That instantly makes you a nut in the liberal world.

Anonymous said...

Daniel Hannan is the guy who laced the Brit up one side and down the other for pissing away their treasury on stupid projects.
Think of 1/6 of the GDP and thus employment, being under the control of the Federal Government. Combined with the NEA teachers union, the SEIU service employee union (growing...), and you have a sure-fire stack of votes to get re-elected for as far as the eye can see.

Problem is, no one will go to medical school. The Docs will start to take two-three or more days a week off to golf. I would too, given that they are calculating their Medicare savings by cutting how much they pay for procedures even more. They will have control of a dying industry --- just like GM and Chryco.
Remember: the UAW said they'd sell their GM stock as soon as they could. How much confidence do you have in Government Motors when the union that MAKES the cars won't hold the stock?
Old people (me included) are riled. And. They vote.
Blue dogs should be scared... and so should a pile of 'progressives'. The 65 year old hippy in Baserkley will still want to be able to see her doc, and that ain't a-happenin' with the #%@&^ bills that are proposed right now. Interesting times, indeed.

Anonymous said...

"Moderate Democrats may lose simply because voters don’t want Nancy Pelosi in power."

I don't think people even think about Pelosi as being a few heartbeats from the presidency. Otherwise, they'd have not re-elected her, or saner heads in Congress would have voted for someone else. She is what I would call blind stupid. She *KNOWS* what she knows, but is unaware of those unimportant things we know as facts...
Too dumb to know she's dumb, too willful and stubborn to be defeated in her goals. Which, redundatly, are grandiose and destructive.

Anonymous said...

"Otherwise, they'd have not re-elected her, or saner heads in Congress would have voted for someone else."

Nancy Pelosi represents San Franfreakshow. One of her opponents in the last election was Cindy Sheehan. Yes that one. So much for her being re-elected by the "people" (any choice even for that bunch of wacko's?).

The Speaker of the House is elected by the majority party in the House. In this case they're Democrats. I don't think there's any "sane heads" in that lot but if there are they're very lonely.

It is true that "...people [don't] even think about Pelosi as being a few heartbeats from the presidency". You hit the nail on the head. They don't *think*.

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