Thanks for the votes of confidence.
Now practice OPSEC. No bragging, no threats.
I don't want to hear that stuff again. Not until we need you.
That's the quote from Anonymous I referred to in the last post.
Sage advice. But this president seems intent on forcing an
incident. Constituents at town hall meetings are
challenging lies being told about health care, something few
Democrats have experienced. Obama has invoked RULE 12, and the media react on cue (examples below).
It's pretty obvious we're at the brink. The man is right though,
braggadocio and threats are sterile and counter productive
responses. If this thing happens it will likely be
spontaneous, and a leaderless mob can't sustain the total effort
required to win. I pray those patriots are out there,
observing OPSEC, planning, ready to coalesce resources. And Lead. It is ours to step up at that point, because this
government is an un-American abomination.
That's a test passage from a novel I'm working on. Any resemblance to actual governments is coincidental.