Thursday, August 06, 2009

race baiting racists

These people should be left outside at night, on a short leash


Jinglebob said...

Hey! The truth hurts!

Merrily said...

Aw boo hoo for the poor widdle wiberaws - it's ok for THEM to demean a sitting President. Extreme hypocrisy. Blind, too.

Anonymous said...

My tea shirt is on the way... get yours at

God, I feel so unclean. As if I had a commercial message

i need a burrito said...


I had to read the article to figure out how Kennicott makes it into racism. Apparently, it goes something like this:

black = urban
Heath Ledger's Joker = urban (or so claims Kennicott)

Therefore, the Joker poster is anti-urban, and therefore, anti-black. Get it? Me neither.

Hispaman said...

oh they're already labeling the campaign as racist, i cant belive it, how original

"The psychic propaganda assault will be powerful. The cyber-brown-shirts will spew hate, the union guys will flood talk shows with switchboard-collapsing swarms of complaint calls aimed at those hosts who "go beyond the pale" in their criticisms of Obama. In concert with pop culture outlets like The Daily Show and SNL, Obama will use his podium to humiliate and demonize those of us who don't want to come together and heal the planet."

Anonymous said...

They can dish it out but they can't take it.

Jon : said...

maybe not in his eyes but in the eyes of many in this group the handle socialist is far more vile and despicable a name to be called than n----- ever was.

Anonymous said...

There's a limit to how long Obama's defenders can keep playing the race card. Sooner or later he's going to have to be measured by what he's accomplished. So far he's making Jimmy Carter look good.

Grumpyunk said...

I'm a firm believer in what MLKing said about judging a man by the "..content of his character and not the color of his skin."

Using that as the standard, Obama, all his Minions, elected Democrats and the Faithful Followers fall short.

MCPO Airdale said...

If all you have is a hammer, all you see is nails.

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