Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Bad judges, Bulldogs and Obama Fk-ups

In passing ..
 Stuff that caught my attention on the way to the liquor store

Christian Girls, Interrupted
How much say should parents have over their children's faith?
The WSJ looks at the home-schooled Amanda Kurowski case from last week

 Yale to change mascot
The Furious Bulldogs to Widdling Wankers

CNN Not what they wanted
Yes 61% 104861
No 33% 56096
Haven't had to use it 7% 11237
Total Votes: 172194

Economists Warn Obamanomics Could Create Depression;
WSJ's Moore Responds

Sowell: What Obama Says vs. What He Does

If we do not believe that the President is stupid, then what do we believe?


Anonymous said...

"If we do not believe that the President is stupid, then what do we believe?"

That he's a MFCSMPOS. Or to put it more nicely he's a Marxist and has a Marxist agenda.

Anonymous said...

I vacillate between a bumbling fool and an evil Marxist with an agenda. I'm thinking it's a little of both, which is hardly what anyone would consider a wise President's qualities. Without the media, Obama would have been considered another Sharpton or Jackson.

OregonGuy said...

What is the Alinsky tactic? Isolate the enemy and then personalize the attacks upon that enemy?

What if they simply picked the wrong enemy?

Anonymous said...

what do we believe?
That he hates middle class America, that he's a marxist, and that he's a liar with no qualms about saying anything or using and discarding anyone along the way to achieve his goal, which is to elevate himself to collectivist sainthood.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

ROLLOVER !! , Please : )

Anonymous said...

See, ladies? It really doesn't take much to make us old guys happy.

Anonymous said...

; >


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