Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gummint Snooping Run Amok

Do you have a keylogging
chip on your computer?
r u sure?

 Here's the Internet post referred to.

Received this e-mail from Rollye:  I listen to her show in bed and rarely make it all the way through.  First time  I've
ever been fooled .  The good thing is y'all were smart enough to use critical thinking to expose it.  That's why you're not Democrats. That's why we'll win.  USA UAS USA

 The Rollye James Show <rollye@rollye.net>

Thanks!  If you didn't catch the next segment, it turns out to be a hoax, but I'm honored you took the time.   Thanks to a listener's input, I mentioned that the FOIA letter number was the same as another letter with different content-- likely the guy photoshopped it--  but it is fun nonetheless.

Really great to have you listening!



Anonymous said...

Not so sure on this one since the earliest info I found dates back to 2005; most likely anti-Bush, anti-homeland security.



MitchM said...

Bah, they've been doing stuff like this and worse with phones for decades.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Not quite - NSA isn't looking at me secret book as I type it, nor are they reading passwords as I type them ... wot?

Anonymous said...

I'm calling bullshit on this.

1) Even if there was such a key logger the laptop would need to be obtained and disassembled. Not very practical. Malware keyloggers send their data, over the internet, to a server somewhere.

2) I have a Dell D600. Its an obsolete model and has been for years. I haven't disassemble mine nor do I plan to.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

like the lady said - decide for yourself -wot?

Anonymous said...

BTW I understand that the device was "wired to the Ethernet card". It is not that simple.

1) To parallel to the Ethernet you need a Switch/Hub. That'd require that the existing connections (on the laptop motherboard) to be broken.

2) The logging device would requires its own TCP/IP stack and a way to get an IP that transerve any firewall(s).

3) The D600 has built-in Wifi. Unless the user used Ethernet the logger would be useless.

And yes I'm an Electrical/Software engineer.

Kristophr said...

Anon: It's been done before. The FBI used one to break open a mafioso's encrypted hard drive.

Get a warrant that allows a clandestine wiretap. Distract the laptop owner, and replace the laptop keyboard with one that has a keylogger built in.

Then serve another warrant later and seize the whole laptop, and use the key logger to bust into the encrypted drive.

No amount of encryption will protect you from a black bag job.

Anonymous said...

I know computers, looks like bullshit to me.

Why go through all the trouble when there are far easier ways to do this on a software level?

Anonymous said...


Of course it can be done as you describe. That's not the point. The claim is that its being done by the manufacturers on a large scale.

Anonymous said...

We got computers from the aliens at Roswell. Of course they have key loggers: the aliens need your brain for sandwiches.

Anonymous said...

This video has been removed by the user.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

As explained in the update - HOAXED.

Kristophr said...

We were both making the same point, Anon.

If the men in black really want to break into your crap, they will do so.

They don't require help from anyone.

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