scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Gutfeld uses an axe
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Chuck Martel said...
I have a theory about conspiracy theorists.
I have always said that those who actually take stock in conspiracy theories do so because the theories act as a crutch. The belief in a "They" that controls the fortunes and destinies of men helps to explain away ones own personal failures and shortcomings w/o having to take personal responsibility for those shortcomings and failures. It explains the machinations of the world and ones role in it.
Societies have always done stuff like that. Osirus, Freya, Ganesh, Chalchihuite and scores of other mythological deities have all been used to explain the creation of the world, why it rains, why bad things happen to good people, and everything else in between. They are projections of the human psyche.
In the society of Conspiracists, the Bilderbergers, Illuminati, and Trilateral Commission serve the same purpose. They are part of the mythological pantheon of the conspirary society. However, the "They" that serve as the pantheon for Conspiracists are quite different than the pantheons of other societies.
Pick a culture, any culture -- Sumer, the Celts, Yorba . . . . Those cultures always had forces/mythological deities that were evil. However, they also had at least an equal number (if not more) of forces/mythological deities that were good. Conspiracists don't have that.
For Conspiracists, the all the forces/mythological deities who control the fates of man are all evil. (Yes, there is also some allegiance to God. However, by Conspiracists, He is seen as someone who hopefully might come someday and rescue us from the evil that surrounds us.) Each and every one of Them (CIA, USMC, USA) is seen as a Tlazolteotl -- a dark and malevolent force.
And that's why conspiracy theories attract lots of people with psychological problems. They see the whole world as a dark, depressing and fearful place. They then gravitate to a place that "recognizes" that world view and "explains" the same.
They expect to find a pantheon full of Tezcatilpocas to explain their lot in life. They find that mythological pantheon in conspiracy theories. -
9/15/09, 11:58 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Except when there is a conspiracy. Like Obama.
9/15/09, 12:43 PM