- I'm up half the night and then
oversleep, only to awaken and find that Reagan had, inexplicably,
decided to sleep on, and thus leak urine all over, a living room chair
she had never ever been on before... which caused
- .... MoSup to (quite justifiably) flip out, causing
the noose around Reagan's neck to be drawn tighter, I mean to as tight
as it will get, and then
- the trash compactor which is just 7 months old won't turn off ... and then
- I have e-mail that sends me into an almost terminal *ghack!* choke and then
- these first two news items
I read sent me for my 4 pound maul, which I then used to smash everything in the house -tvs, windows, computers ... or would have if I didn't have so much farging discipline and self control.
I'm going now for my breakfast cocktail ...