Palin in debut economic speech |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Palin - Asia Econimic Address
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
"She frightens me because she strikes a chord with a certain segment of the population and I don't like it."
Yeah. They're called voters, ass****.
And they're a growing voice.
Juice -
9/23/09, 2:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Right on Juice, I thought the exact same thing. I'm telling you if Palin runs in 2012, it will be the most exciting presidential campaign since RR crushed The Jimmah
And I wonder how many billions this jerk controls and if he agrees with what Teh Won is doing to our economy? It sure wasn't Peter Schiff.
MM -
9/23/09, 3:22 PM
Anonymous said...
More Palin:
- "We're not interested in government fixes, we're interested in freedom."
- "Liberalism holds that there is no human problem that government can't fix if only the right people are put in charge."
- "There is no justice in taking from one person and giving to another. History shows it simply does not work."
- "It's just common sense that government attempts to solve problems like health care problem will just create new problems."
olds-mo-william -
9/23/09, 3:40 PM
Anonymous said...
I voted for a hot Alaskan chick and got a black Marxist instead. Can I get a refund?
I've been busy today and am just seeing, on Fox News, what Captain Zer0 said at the Useless Nations this morning. While I knew Obama was a committed Marxist before the election (and said so in writing) and knew in general terms what he'd do (i.e. I haven't been surprised so far) this MFCSMPOS is really really starting to piss me off. -
9/23/09, 6:24 PM
Anonymous said...
"We're not interested in government fixes, we're interested in freedom."
9/23/09, 8:08 PM
- Jon said...
McCain would've destroyed the party. Hopefully we can get a Sarah Palin / Bobby Jindal ticket ... genuine conservatives instead of RINOs and pretenders for a change.
9/23/09, 9:30 PM
MurphyAZ said...
If Sarah Palin were to read the Alamagordo, New Mexico phone book into the Congressional Record and call for a vote, I'd be votin' with HER!
9/24/09, 3:57 PM
- Desert Cat said...
Another from the United States said: "She frightens me because she strikes a chord with a certain segment of the population and I don't like it."
Damn right she strikes a chord with us, and you're damn right to be skeered too!
BOO! -
9/24/09, 8:59 PM