scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
And Beck, now being on Fox News, deserves more flogging as far as the Left is concerned.
Funny that the Fox News ratings are increasing (rapidly) while everyone else is dropping.
Geez it must suck to have lost your monopoly on the News that American's see huh? The recent passing of Walter Cronkite was quite symbolic.
yeah. it's BAD for America to know that the gubbmint is supporting -- with OUR $$$$ -- child sex slavery.
uh huh.
Anyone knows those are not satirical quotation marks, but a Glenn Beck Venomous Fangs Threat!!!
as my wife would put it, "if the left is going after him then he must be doing something right"
I picked up a copy of Time at the airport a few weeks ago because it had Sarah on the cover.
It was virtually weightless, not only empty from a journalistic qualitative standpoint but from a quantitative standpoint.
It reminded me of picking up a hollowed out eggshell.
I couldn't bring myself to pay $4.95 for something that was little more than a glossy newspaper, notwithstanding the hot picture of Sarah on the cover.
It is ironic that the only way Time can sell its garbage rag is to put popular conservatives on its cover.
Now, Time and Newsweek are locked in a tight battle, not for readership, but to see which one will fold last.
My money is that Newsweek will beat Time to Chapter 11 (or, preferrably, 7), with the NYT following a few years later.
A greater question, however, is whether J schools will even teach print media in 10 years.
I would like to see Columbia, Northwestern and the University of Mo. convert their vaunted J schools to tactical shooting, reloading, sniping and similar, more practical and meaningful, curricula.
Cronkite *spit* is responsible millions of deaths. May he rot in hell.