scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
For some reason I keep thinking of a "South of the Border" billboard on I-95. But I know you're not Pedro.
Call that one - "inspiration fail."
By the way, if I ever get to play the word "cryptozoological" in Scrabble™, I will thereafter commit suicide as there will be nothing left for me to accomplish in life.
It used to have character.
I'll wait for your own sense of decor, after all, it is your place and you always do it proud.
Reminds me of coming home from deployment, and finding the ex had moved all the furniture. It felt like someone else's house.
By the way, have you listened to Five for Fighting's new disc "Slice?" "Note To The Unknown Soldier" alone is worth the price. It's so great to have a popular musician believe in the America I believe in.
Always considered this site a sort of cultural anchor for eclectic funk and wry whimsy, a sort of "Bubble Bursters of the World, UNITE!" meeting ground. Images of pins pricking balloons, monkeys fucking footballs, Nancy Pelosi hanging by her chin wattles from a 9-foot granite phallus (with Barney Frank perched deliriously atop).
But . . . ya cain't please ever'body, and pics does get stale after a bit. Run whatever ya like up the flagpole, and if it gets no salutes, relegate it to the same fate as UN resolutions against petty little dictators.
I so much want the babe back
Bring back the Revolution Now rollover.
Give me puberty, or give me death
I used to feel that way about a great pub....but then I had to give up drinking because of meds...........Huh?..Wha?...Teen years?..Aw heck.