With problems for the president in Afghanistan, health care and unemployment, some critics on both the left and right are asking: Is the president essentially ‘too nice' to make the important decisions?
That is how David Kerley of ABC News opens his recent piece titled, "Is Obama ‘Too Nice' to Make Tough Decisions?"
  Thwe self created man
You've got to love it when liberals use the words "some critics," or
"critics say," to voice what they believe without substantiation.
Please tell us Mr. Kerley, which critics on the right are asking
whether the President is "too nice" to make important decisions?
If critics on the right are asking such a misguided question, then
they, like Mr. Kerley do not know the real Barack Obama. And, inasmuch
as ABC News failed to vet Candidate Obama we would not expect the
organization to know much about Obama beyond the shiny narrative.
Just a few days before the 2008 presidential election, Tom Brokaw appeared on the Charlie Rose show. Here's a brief excerpt:
Rose: I don't know what Barack Obama's worldview is.
Brokaw: No, I don't either.
Rose: And do we know anything about the people who are advising him?
Brokaw: You know that's an interesting question. . . . I don't know what books he's read.
Rose: What do we know about the heroes of Barack Obama?
Brokaw: There's a lot about him we don't know.
Not to worry though. Our esteemed journalists knew that Obama was the
perfect candidate. They knew he read a mean teleprompter. They knew he
looked good and had a good looking family. They knew he had a nice
looking smile. They knew he was black and was the one to make history.
He seemed like a really nice guy.
If they had done their homework, however, they would have known that
Obama was a Chicago-machine politician who had used bare-knuckles
tactics against his opponents. Do please continue - it's fun.
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