Thursday, October 29, 2009

You know

In Passing
 So little to say; so much time to say it.  Sigh.

Obama Salutes Slain Soldiers Return to US… But Won’t Send Reinforcements
One word describes him.  He's a punk.

It's all a big circle for the Democrats
More like an asylum if John Kerry's the answer .

AARP: Reform advocate and insurance salesman
"AARP, has put the weight of its 40 million members behind health-care reform, saying many of the proposals will lower costs and increase the quality of care for older Americans."
  • Only the senilie among those 40 million support the plan, and AARP is throwing them into an early grave for the sake of the cash bonanza  it promises the organization. Phuk Arp.
If You Can’t Save Everybody on a Sinking Ship, Don’t Try to Save Anybody
Protecting teachers’ unions over children, the US Secretary of Education rationalizes the Obama administration’s opposition to a successful school-vouchers program in our nation’s capital.

“You have destroyed nature with your industrial waste and gases more than any other nation in history. Despite this, you refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement so that you can secure the profit of your greedy companies and industries.”
Enviro-wackos?  or Osama bin Laden?  Same thing.

Canonize Michelle Bachman
Achieving sainthood status among conservative (real) Americans does not require three miracles.  It requires driving at least three of the looniest MSNBC All-Stars into constant debilitating frenzy.  Saint Michelle
Wood Eye!
it is then.

1 comment:

JMcD said...

That's Art in the checkered sports coat......The kid on his left is Cecil.....Cecil doesn't know Art, but he knows what he likes.

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