scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, November 30, 2009
1000 Words

"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
The pink plastic applicators are called New Jersey beach whistles.
Tim -
11/30/09, 5:47 PM
Anonymous said...
Why I loved being a Mom as my career. God Bless the beauty of children!
Screw feminism. -
11/30/09, 6:50 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Juice - I included one of your pictures in my slide show (upper right montage image)
11/30/09, 7:15 PM
Anonymous said...
"New Jersey beach whistles"
LMAO! Been there, seen 'em!
11/30/09, 8:00 PM
Darrell said...
Two true stories from my childhood:
1. I'd skinned my knees rather badly while playing with neighbor kids. I knew just the bandages to use, I'd found a box of them on the top shelf in the bathroom. Our mom was horrified when she saw me running around in the front yard with a kotex taped to each knee.
2. Remember Steve Canyon, the comic strip? We all wanted to fly jet planes like Steve Canyon. One day while playing air force, I returned to that top shelf in the bathroom; there was a GREAT looking oxygen mask up there! I got it and returned to our play, holding that cup shaped thing over my face while zooming around making jet airplane noises. Again, I was busted; turns out I was using an older brother's jock cup. :S 'Course, I didn't learn what it really was until I hit puberty. -
11/30/09, 8:25 PM
JMcD said...
Yep....sounds familiar.
When I was a kid I went barefoot in the summer.The big double-dare, back then, was to jump off a billboard.Well one day I got up the courage and made the leap....landing in a broken milk bottle base.
Cut my foot so bad that nothing other than a kotex applied by my aunt would do.
I thought perhaps it was some kind or WWII Army bandage....It was the late mid-forties. -
11/30/09, 9:32 PM
Anonymous said...
When I was 19 or so I took a spill on a motorcycle that left me with a nasty long road rash on my forearm. Mom used a feminine hygiene pad to bandage it because it was the only thing big enough to cover it and it absorbed nicely. They are sterile and make great cheap dressings, put a few in your emergency kit
You're NOT going to believe the WV: estroman. It sounds like a male superhero that gets his powers from female hormone supplements. -
11/30/09, 10:13 PM
Anonymous said...
I've posted this elsewhere but Navy corpsman of my acquaintance would pack Kotex in their field kits because they swore they were the best field dressing in the world.
11/30/09, 11:51 PM
Anonymous said...
John McDowell
Ahaert transplant friend of mine was riding one of his horses shortly after his transplant. The horse reared up and hit him in the chest. His stitches broke and he statrted to bleed profusley. He got one of his wifes kotex and headed for the transplant center to get stitched up. He is none the worse for wear and he constantly embarasses his wife when he retells the event. -
12/1/09, 12:47 AM
Anonymous said...
Ah, juicy couture. Nice touch! :]
12/1/09, 8:07 AM
Anonymous said...
A tampon will very nicely into most bullet holes. Sterile and do not take up a lot of space in your kit.
12/1/09, 11:15 AM
Anonymous said...
When my son was just a little giant he was playing it the bathroom and when I checked on him he had stuck a bunch of moms panty shields on the wall. When I asked why he replied "Fly paper". Sometimes you just get left speechless.
12/1/09, 12:34 PM
Anonymous said...
A tampon will very nicely into most bullet holes,
My friend Sgt. Brian, already an Iraq vet, gathered his platoon just before another deployment. Told his new troops:
"Go to the commissary and buy some tampons. I don't give a damn if it embarrrasses you or not. Every man is to have two tampons with him on every patrol."
Newbie "What for?"
Sgt. Brian "Fits a bullet hole perfectly and swells when it gets bloody, plugging the hole."
Newbie "Why two?"
Sgt. Brian "Second one is for the exit hole."
No shit, true story.
I used Kotex as a dressing for my 8" long surgery wound after it became infected. Sterile, inexpensive, just the right size, various absorbencies for different stages of recovery, all in all a great tip from a surgical nurse.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
12/1/09, 8:35 PM