Tuesday, November 03, 2009

First Election in America II Era

First Amerika II Elections
(bring back America I)

 You might think this is a late start, but you'd be wrong.  Since 4:AM EST I've been working on secret bacon recipes - FOR YOU!  But that's over.  Now, election day. 

In New Jersey, Republican challenger Chris Christie has failed to gain the 15 point lead necessary to eke out a victory over a Democrat, so it looks bad for Jerseyites.  Still, Democrats are clearly worried. 

N.J. Democrats Paying for Third-Party Robocalls

So, the Democrats seem to have decided the best use of at least some of their resources, in a tight race, is to throw some cash into the third-party Daggett campaign. When you're running a dirty-trick robocall, the tagline with the address of the Democratic HQ is a giveaway. Audio:

Obama will definitely lose Virginia, and likely New York 23.  So what?  The media won't factor Obama's plummeting approval, and Millie the Avon lady wouldn't care if they did, because she lives in Indiana.  

Following release of the House health care plan by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 42% of voters now support the Congressional effort while 54% are opposed.

Fifteen percent (15%) say that Congress is doing a good or an excellent job while 53% rate Congressional performance as poor.

Nearly half the conservatives nationwide do not consider themselves Republicans.

Confidence in the War on Terror has fallen to the lowest level in three years. Just 34% now believe the U.S. and its allies are winning, down from 62% earlier in the year.

Don't need no stinking election results to know this, even without the polls. You can feel it. The most disturbing thing to me is is the war on terror (ha!) results.  What Obama has done here is absolutely criminal, on a global basis.  I plucked this from the Lounge last week, but didn't mention it because it was so disturbing to me.

Glenmore  With the Administration's disrespect of all things military it stands to reason that a lot of our best soldiers etc. will leave.

With the economy a mess and unemployment way up, it stands to reason that a lot of less-than-desirable people will be willing to join - and bring their entitlement mentality with them.

For the Administration it's a win-win: they get rid of an excellent, professional, non-political military and replace it with a mediocre, dependent military perfect for political abuse (think Brownshirts.) (Don't worry about Constitutionality - government hasn't been concerned about that for years.)

This is my worse nightmare, because at some point I'm certain that it all will come down to who the military sides with in one gigantic showdown. 


Anonymous said...

I did my part. I voted Hoffman. And to make sure the message was heard loud and clear, I voted out every one of the scumbags, right down to highway superintendent.


JMcD said...

PepsiCare or PelosiCare?....They both have a deposit...Pepsi deposit is worth a dime...Pelosi deposit is malodorous.

Anonymous said...

Nearly half the conservatives nationwide do not consider themselves Republicans.

So TRUE, boss! Now that we're rollin' around in TX, political conversations tend to go straight to Obambo, after folks leave that opening for one's party affiliation. And it ain't the "R" word that's popping up. I know this is anecdotal, but the word of the day is: Conservative.

TomR said...

You got it Juice.Here in the Dallas/Ft Worth area our Repub Reps are very conservative. We look at that conservatism more than the Republican aspect. Our two R Senators are watched closely and scolded when they stumble. Another word heard here on occasion is "secede".

Scottiebill said...

Komrade Emperor Obama, Pinocchio Pelosi, and Scary Reid are interested in ONLY one thing, getting reelected. The only one of the three that could possibly be reelected is Pinocchio and only because the voters in her district in the Bay Area is so utterly screwy that they would elect a fence post if it had a "Liberal" sign nailed to it.
Reid will be given the boot next year and The Komrade will be sent back to South Chicago in three more years. that is, if he isn't impeached and convicted before then.

All things considered, The Komrade Emperor, Pinocchio Pelosi, and Scary Reid are all as sharp as a marble.

Anonymous said...

Sharing the pride of Texas!

cmblake6 said...

What Scttiebill said. ODG, a prayer answered!

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