saw the Drudge link, but Obama gaffes are become so common place, and
the blurb so descriptive, that I figured to skip it. However, a need
for some Obama schadenfreude compelled me to snack on it. It was
worse than I imagined. In case you missed it:
want to thank my Cabinet members and senior administration officials
who participated today. I hear that Dr. Joe Medicine Crow was around,
and so I want to give a shout out to that Congressional Medal of Honor
winner. It's good to see you.
” |
Crow was never awarded the MOH - he did win a Bronze Star for valor in
WWII - and he was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom in
August. This past August. By Obama. Medal of Freedom. Medal of Honor. What's the diff?
we have here is another example of this president's shallow
understanding, or even knowledge of the traditions, history, and
of the United States of America. Memorial Day, and Veterans day -
thing. Fifty states in the Union? or is it
fifty-seven? Or
fifty-eight? His mother was a radical leftist, his father - well,
we're not for certain sure who that was, but all the candidates were
similarly inclined toward the views of Mr. Marx, as are ALL of his
associates, and mentors. His education was dished out with an
anti-American bias, all of which leaves him woefully ignorant, at
best, but very dangerous.
President X? X-President? I know that difference.