Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In his own words



Anonymous said...

Hear that? That little gasp, then a wheeze. Hear it? That was John Allen Muhammad, the DC sniper, discovering that there are no virgins for terrorists, and that he ain't heaven.


Alear said...

The insightful Kim at Velociworld thinks our president is a bad man. He has a point.

rockville said...

Before he was elected, I posted a link to this video, with the comment, "The exchange at 3:40 is priceless."

Now, what's the very first thing that the un-president says in that video? Sure enough, life imitates art.

Today at Fort Hood, he said, "no faith justifies these murderous and craven acts...", but Nidal Hasan's imam disagrees.

Anonymous said...

I know it is Duh, but still...


Anonymous said...

Not much in the video is actually convincing evidence that he IS muslim, only further confirmation (were any necessary) that he is a typically ass-kissing, less-than-average-intelligence, south-side-of-Chicago, thug politician that bought his way (or more likely was bought) into a position that he is really unworthy of holding.
I truly don't understand what the two whole minutes in the Mosque, with his hands folded while quietly listening the whole time to a tour guide being translated is supposed to prove. It seemed a much more appropriate behavior than when meeting the Saudi king.

Greg said...

Why is Obama *not* a muslim?

He cannot tolerate the thought of there being another 'perfect man' (Mohammand) in the universe besides himself.

ChuckMartel said...

If I had been BHO, I would have asked to see the Hagia Sophia instead.

cmblake6 said...

This was at mine, and I stole it from Drew I think. I want this VIRAL!

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