Friday, November 13, 2009

The "Leonard Jeffries" Cancer

Cleansed at CUNY
 Wow, how could this happen?

Once upon a time, as “elite” universities have always done, CUNY routinely hired its own alumni. In 1970, fearing race riots, CUNY’s Board of Trustees changed policy to “open admissions,” guaranteeing admission to every New York City high school graduate. The trustees threw in the towel.

Today, CCNY is best known for black supremacist Leonard Jeffries. Hired in 1970 to run the Black Studies Department, Jeffries has never published anything. Reportedly, he teaches that the world is composed of virtuous “sun people” (non-whites) and evil “ice people” (whites). He never prepares for class, and routinely engages in professional misconduct. And yet, no colleagues have ever rebuked him.

Meanwhile, CUNY’s thousands of cushy, patronage staff and administrative jobs all are “full-time,” with some paying over $100,000. The patronage is doled out apartheid-style, based on race, sex, and ethnicity. On pain of “whitelisting,” adjuncts must slavishly support the racist, sexist, heterophobic status quo, the First Amendment be damned. Meanwhile, the apartheidchiks harass adjuncts, and encourage students to do the same.

[ - Cached]
 That was hard.


JMcD said...

" at basic algebra."... But I'll bet that they're just swell at multiplying.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the barbarians are inside the gates. It's the same where I work. Not to worry, after the revolution, we'll return to competency testing, and the mau-maus can go mau-mau somewhere else.


Spunky Texan said...

Let me think.
Could this have anything to do with the fact that they allow 7th graders to use calculators for regular math problems, like my daughter who, in the 10th grade cannot do a simple double digit multiplaction problem on paper, but she is in Algebra now.
Her last two math teachers did not even grade on accuracy. if she just put her name on the paper, and she "tried" all the problems, she got a passing grade.

Anonymous said...

... and all this is unusual because... ? We've all been hearing such stories for decades. It's the way it is. It's the way it has been. We all get properly outraged when we hear about it, but nothing is ever done about it and that isn't new either.

B....... said...

Rodge - I find your new C&S search tool most useful. Thanks.......

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I do too! My son told me to do it, so I did.

Ride Fast said...

Isn't basic algebra taught by 7th grade anymore? Or am I just assuming it's taught at all?

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