Tuesday, November 03, 2009


The winner is ...

 A few hours after telling reporters they shouldn't expect "any great insight" into 2010 based on the outcome of Tuesday night's elections, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told POLITICO the president wasn't even following the results.
"He's not watching returns," Gibbs said. [Politico]
I guess he's secure in the knowledge that, according to a timely CNN poll,
"Americans strongly prefer Obama, Biden over Bush, Cheney."
Chris Christie leads Jon Corzine by 5% in the New Jersey Governor vote as of this moment, but  Democratic strategist Pat Caddell wonders if that's enough to be fraud proof.
Democratic strategist Pat Caddell accused democrats of dirty tricks in the New Jersey Governor’s race today. There have been 15 times more absentee ballots turned in this year in Camden, New Jersey than last year when Barack Obama was running for president. [Gateway]
In Virginia, Democrats lose the Gov., Lt. Gov., Attorney General by double digits, and several seats in the legislature as well.  Sleep well Brock. 


Anonymous said...

OBAMBI: Not listening as in standing in the corner hands over his ears yelling I can't hear a thing!
Post script: He dressed up AS Urkle for Halloween.

rickn8or said...

"Americans strongly prefer Obama, Biden over Bush, Cheney." "

I don't believe we were given a choice between those candidates. I would have loved to have seen the Biden/Cheney debate/fistfight.

Anonymous said...

Tag Greason managed to beat poisonous Democrat Delegate David Poisson in my Virginia district's Delegate race.

Not sure if that's actually part of this, though -- Poisson beat the Republican Incumbant (Dick Black) in an election largely over the traffic problem in Loudoun County; Poisson's plan was essentially to cut half the funds that Black had budgeted for completing the new construction and repair of roads and put that money into a metro system for an entirely different district.

Then Poisson proceded, in this election, to bring up a specious sex charge from his military days (so aggregiously false that Greason can prove that he wasn't even on the assignment he was supposedly on when the incident occured; and the incident was essentially nothing more than an off-duty flashing charge where he had every reason to believe he was in relative privacy and that the accuser wouldn't even be looking) and essentially try and use that to win the election.

Quite frankly, I'm shocked Greason didn't win by more than the 20% he was winning by last time I checked....

Anonymous said...

specious charge from GREASON'S military days; sorry about being unclear.

BlogDog said...

Hey anonymous, we live in the same district! I got to help vote the fish out of office today.

Anonymous said...

Urkle!!! With all the "Good" Obamaramma has done for the USA I think when he is done he will stand back and say in a nasally voice "Oh...Did I do that?"

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