your “representative” thinks it’s his job to represent Ze Pahty rather
than his constituency, he’s a friggin’ tyrant. There’s no other way to
put it. He shouldn’t just lose his seat. He should lose his head.
-Duggems |
Q: “If you get to the final point and you are a critical vote for health
care reform and every piece of evidence tells you if you support the
bill you will lose your job, would you cast the vote and lose your job?”
A: Yes. |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, November 23, 2009
Party, PACS, Country
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Blanche Lincoln sold out the people of Arkansas and cast the deciding vote Saturday night. Her best bet at this point is to go ahead and announce that she won't be running for re-election so she can spend more time with her family...
11/23/09, 9:04 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
But Lincoln didn't use Bennet's rhetoric in the process.
11/23/09, 10:38 AM
- Scottiebill said...
Mary Landreau sold out Louisiana by taking the $300,000,000.00 bribe that Scary Reid offered in the billo. She is every bit as bad as the rest of the 60 Senators who voted for this fiasco.
11/23/09, 11:19 AM
Anonymous said...
Well Landreau is no two-bit whore. She's a $300 million whore.
11/23/09, 11:29 AM
- BobG said...
"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
-G.K. Chesterton
"Budget: A mythical beanbag. Congress votes mythical beans into it, and then tries to reach in and pull beans out."
-Will Rogers -
11/23/09, 11:35 AM
- Jon said...
I am from Colorado. Here is the message I sent this morning to Bennet.
*** Begin Message ***
I find it very disturbing that you stated that you're willing to sacrifice your Senate seat to pass the Democratic party's outright theft of our health care system.
May I remind you that you were elected to represent the people of the State of Colorado not, I repeat, not the Democratic leadership of the Senate or the President of the United States.
Is a recall effort now necessary? Are you that willing to toss aside the core principles of a representative republic and resign yourself as a tyrant? When an elected official no longer fears the people they claim to represent, there is tyranny (yes, that is a paraphrasing of Thomas Jefferson). Is that how health care reform must come to pass? Through the methods and techniques of a tyrant?
Senator Bennet, I may take issue with your belief that government can run health care better than the private sector. I may disagree with you about trying to claim to be a champion of fiscal responsibility while supporting this and other legislative efforts to steal from our children. What I cannot support and will outright denounce in the strongest terms possible is your caviler willingness to ignore the will of the people you supposedly represent and vote in the best interests of your party rather than your constituents.
Since you have demonstrated your unwillingness to listen to We the People, and that you are in breech of your oath of office, I now call upon you to do the honorable thing and resign your Senate seat. You are no longer worthy of holding it.
*** End Message ***
I will support fully any attempt to recall Senator Bennet. -
11/23/09, 11:39 AM
Anonymous said...
We gave a ride in "ole Sparky" to the Rosenbergs for much less than what Reid and Pelosi have done to America. These people need to be tried and executed for crimes against humanity.
I have some good lengths of rope in my truck, form up on me.
Plowboy -
11/23/09, 11:46 AM
Anonymous said...
18 states allow Senators to be recalled: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington and Wisconsin. Start your recall petitions now.
L/CPL First Class Slack -
11/23/09, 11:54 AM
Anonymous said...
Good thinking Slack, however the simplicity of Plowboys direct action over muddling through process is attractive.
Ya know PB, there's a formula to convert weight to drop length so you don't pop their heads off. I know "Off with their heads" has a ring to it, but I want to see them swing, preferably from an overpass.
Casca -
11/23/09, 2:27 PM
Anonymous said...
While the overpass idea is certainly tempting, in practice it'll slow the freeways to a crawl as real Americans slow down to cheer. -
11/23/09, 6:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Folks, one little problem with trying to recall the "honorable" Senatard from Colorado. he wasn't elected, he was appointed to his post by our Governor, Bill Ritter, thus, he can't be recalled. I would hope the idiot doesn't get to play for a 2nd term...
Tetzman -
11/23/09, 6:22 PM
Darrell said...
"Don't Californicate Colorado" bumper stickers were popular here 30+ years ago. It's happened. Much nicer before we were overrun with them.
11/23/09, 7:42 PM
Darrell said...
Per Jon's post above, Bennet was not elected. He was appointed by that POS Gov. Ritter after Ken Salazar took a job with the Obambi administration.
11/23/09, 7:46 PM
Anonymous said...
Instead of "support(ing) fully any attempt to recall Senator Bennet", why not organize it? That's the kind of activism we need..
11/23/09, 9:33 PM
Anonymous said...
I wrote to that little fucker, bennet...for the UMPTEENTH time this year and told him that he vote was clearly irresponsible and that he was a blooming tyrant. Dipstick, that he is! Then, today I get one of his stooopid "boilerplate" letters in response to the actual letter I sent to him 1.5 months ago beseeching him to NOT vote for this POS bill or for cloture. He gave Colorado the ol' "one, two" with a slow, methodical "swirl" at the point of climax! I am going to work my tail off to get this little cretin unseated!!!!!!
11/23/09, 11:04 PM
- Scottiebill said...
Hey, Jon from Colorado, Do I have your permission to use your letter to Bennett to send to Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell here in Washington State? They desperately need to be bitch-slapped, physically AND verbally, for their votes for this fiasco. It hasn't been made clear what Scary Reid offered them for their votes, but it is quite likely that it is substantial, though no as substantial Landreau was given.
11/24/09, 2:24 PM