was looking for the recent post where I, not so tongue in cheek,
suggested that we'll soon be getting free gummint pet care. That
camel's nose is sniffing under the tent.
Employers offer pet health care as perk
as the human health care debate rages in Congress, businesses are
showing support for the animal kingdom by providing heath insurance for
their employees' four-legged friends.
Hundreds of companies including Google Inc. and Blockbuster Inc. offer
pet health insurance as a supplementary benefit to attract and retain
employees, said David Lummis, a senior pet market analyst for Packaged
Facts, a market research firm.
” |
If memory serves, it was during a Dick Nixon anti-inflation
wage freeze that employers began offering, on a wide scale,
comprehensive medical insurance as a way around it. I'm sure
they never imagined that Democrats would turn that gambit into a
mandated responsibility. By the by, I never did find that
quote, but I did find this, and it made me laugh.