Swiss voters ban construction of new minarets |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Swiss voters ban construction of new minarets |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
As long as the West continues to treat radical-Islamists as deserving of civilized treatment (laws protecting them, lawyers defending them etc) they'll continue terrorizing and claiming that "Islam will dominate the world".
The proper solution, IMO, (and should've been done right after 9/11) is to nukem until they glow and publicly say "we'll stop when you do". This will either
1) Cause them to reevaluate their position.
2) Erase them from the face of the Earth if they reject option 1).
Either way the problem gets solved.
Yes, I really really mean it.
peaceful practitioners of Islam = Jumbo Shrimp
It's a start. Next come police/guard with belt-fed weapons.
To the tune of the classic "My Sharona"
Ooh my little sacred book, holy book
When you gonna give me some sex, Shari'a?
Ooh I read Muhammad's word, whole Qur'an.
Need those virgins right now, Sharia.
Never gonna work, give it up.
Men got dirty minds. Always get it up for the porn
of the Internet. F F F F screw you. N N N not me, Shari'a . . . .
Allah's always pissed, hates the Jews, likes to kill.
Women showin nothin but eyes, Shari'a.
Belly bombs in the street, not for me
Can't have beer, no kielbasa, why, Shari'a?
People live in mud brick huts. Smell like goats.
Wanna blow up Israel
'cause the Imam told them so. F F F screw Shari'a. N N N not me, Shari'a.
When can I talk to some girls, not all wrapped up
In deathlike shrouds, when, Shari'a?
You're just not right for me, Shari'a.
A bunch of ancient, stupid laws,
People like to have some fun,
Islam's really not the one. Let's go dancing,
No more kneeling. F F F uck you, Shari'a. N N No not me, Shari'a.
I just finished the five hundred page "The Evolution of God" by Robert Wright. He sees religions and their views of "god" as evolving to being more tolerant and compassionate toward other religions.
His bottom line is if we Christians and Jews will be more tolerant of and compassionate toward mainstream Islam, then mainstream Islam will see it beneficial to be tolerant of Christians and Jews, and will then disown the radical Islamists.
Taa-daa! Problem solved.
Here's his link.
The secret is to start a hog farm next door to any such structure.
Yes, Chuck we should have been more tolerant toward Hitler and the Japs
Heaven might be a sorta letdown for Robert Wright.....He's already living in a magical fantasyland.
Tolerance for the intolerant will make them love us? Hmmmm.
When we went after the like of avid Koresh, or Jim Jones, it was not persecution of religion. The Mormon church likewise was told conform or disappear.
Same should be done for islam.
Yep ... they get the same treatment that any religion with obnoxious beliefs gets.
Hindus don't burn wives anymore.
Catholics don't burn heretics anymore.
Protestants don't burn witches anymore.
Mormons don't massacre wagontrains anymore.
Why did these things happen? Because whoever was in power at the time decided they had had enough of their crap, and started killing or jailing priests until that religion suddenly had a "reformation".
Islam should not get a free pass here. As long as they are violent loons, they should be treated as violent loons, and the priests that encourage violent lunacy should be held accountable until it stops.
Upset at canceled minarets? Hell, you fucking lives are canceled until you decide to grow up.