Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ta-ta-da-ta ...

“Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Act of 2009.”



Anonymous said...

Government interference in banking cost me the price of my dream house, set me back to where I was about 1996, and I realize I will never live long enough to get it back. Construction of that house would have employed ~4 people/day for 6 months.
I think I'll cash out the remainder of my investments before Bush tax cuts expire, before the MFCS ratbastards steal any more, buy tangible commodities and tell Congress & Uhbama to go fuck themselves forever. The Feds will never get another dime from me and all any government will ever get out of me again is property tax. If I donate my land in return for a life estate, they won't even get that from me.
And that's only if I stay in this country.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Steve in Greensboro said...

Yes sir, General dick. Definitely want to cash out before these idiots do much more to destroy the economy (including the dumbass tax proposed above).

I read more and more about people cashing out their IRAs now, paying the income tax and 10% penalty tax, to avoid the next crash and to avoid the coming massive increases in income tax.

Get out now before the final Barackalypse.

SFAOV Sgsaur said...

I cashed out a few months back and invested in complex machines made of steel & wood and steel & composite materials, as well as investing heavily in items made of brass and lead, filled with compositions of nitroglycerin, dibutyl phthalate, polyester adipate, rosin, ethyl acetate, diphenylamine, N-nitrosodiphenylamine, 2-nitrodiphenylamine, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, tin dioxide, graphite, calcium carbonate, and nitrocellulose.

rickn8or said...

You keep money in a bank?? Keep it in a safe at home, I do.
Lately, I've been tempted to take the cash out and put my canned goods and ammo in instead.

Anonymous said...

keep money in a bank??
Keep some in a credit union, but I was referring loosely to the investment banking, stocks and bonds and mortgage banking community. Their downhill slide and subsequent bailout with taxpayer money was driven by defending themselves against the 1997 Community Investment Act and the fact that the government gave them recourse in Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac and FDIC over all those years. The banks operated thinking they could always depend on us taxpayers to save their greedy asses rather than fail, and Frank & Dodd & Co. encouraged them.
Used to be you bought a stock or took a mortgage and the issuer made money on the interest and reinvested or reloaned the money after profits. Now they make their money on up front fees and dump the mortgage to a series of resellers and in the end Fannie or Freddie or some bundle buying chump eats it. That Ponzi scheme has run out of chumps, and we all feel the pain, except Congress, and if we don't dump the bastards next year, I'm outta here with my metals, food and land.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Gayle Miller said...

Parts of Mexico are very attractive. Towns in the mountains where almost all the residents are American ex-pats. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

Thought about that Gayle; also have friends who bailed to Chile and Costa Rica who are very content.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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