Jon Stewart Joins the Tea Party |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
But will Democrats smell the dead fish?
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Spunky Texan said...
At least, in my mind, he is an honest comic. He made fun of Bush, and now he makes fun of Obama. More honest then any MSM news anchor.
12/9/09, 10:38 AM
Chuck Martel said...
You know, he's right. Those dayum libertarians will have us living out a Bob Guccione film-fantasy if we give them half a chance. Now that might be okay for me but not something I would want for my daughter.
12/9/09, 10:55 AM
Anonymous said...
That libertarian vision is the best for everyone, and my daughter is a competative ballet dancer, karate blackbelt, high power rifle shooter, and graduate of Front Sight Institute's basic pistol course. If you and yours are not ready for the real world without Nanny holding your hand, why not? It's coming for all of us at an increasing pace as the pResident continues his swath of un-constitutional destruction.
Be prepared!
Armaggedon Rex -
12/9/09, 11:10 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I'm a Libertarian who believes in defending the nation, which is where me and Ron Paul diverge.
12/9/09, 11:44 AM
- Kristophr said...
Ron Paul is not a libertarian.
We get all sorts of far-right loons calling themselves "libertarian" once normal conservatives drive them off.
Big "L" Libertarians can't drive them off because they are too enamored of anarcho-capitalism, and are often fooled into supporting these crazies.
Small "l" libertarians ( libertarian-conservatives, and minarchists ) simply nut up and join the Republican Party to stay.
The Paul-tards will go away and stop troubling the Republican Party once Paul can no longer get any traction. -
12/9/09, 1:19 PM
molonlabe28 said...
I don't watch Stewart of Bill Maher, because they strike me is clueless secular humanists (aka Godless pagans) who revile religion and who think that their own God-given wits and wiles make them superior to most of us folks here in flyover country.
Nonetheless, it is good to see Stewart (and apparently Saturday Night Live, even though I avoid the Peacock Network completely because I think it is also a compeletely Godless group of smarta$$es) make sport of Obama.
I think that the criticism of Obama from the left (HuffPo in particular) has opened the door for libs to safely attack Obama without fear of ostracization from the left.
Kudos to Stewart for taking the plunge and making fun of the teleprompter-in-chief. -
12/9/09, 5:21 PM
Anonymous said...
Does that mean that Jon Stewart has three jobs?
H -
12/9/09, 5:32 PM