Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Democrats and war

Charles Krauthammer's Take 
 On President Obama’s speech in Hawaii on the averted terrorist attack:

Curmudgeonly & Skeptical

    It [Abdulmutallab's arrest] means we will learn absolutely nothing. The minute he gets a lawyer and his Miranda rights, it's over.

    The question people have to ask themselves is: This guy, who tries to blow up an American airplane, who is a Nigerian, who is not an American, is captured — does he have the right to remain silent or do we have the right to interrogate him in order to find out who sent him, who equipped him, who armed him, and who trained him?

    It is a question of whether we're serious about this as a war or whether it's a ... blah-blah ...
Don't get me wrong.  The Krautman is absolutely dead-on right about all of this.  The problem is, how many people have to say it, how many times?   Worse, it prolly doesn't even need saying, other than for validation of what everyone with a 90+ IQ has figured out for themselves.  This never-ending, mind numbing, idiotic behavior by our minority Libtard community is way, way worse than waterboarding!  It's driving a whole nation crazy, and will soon begin killing people we know.


Steve In Tulsa said...

Anyone else in this dreamland remember that just a few short months ago Yo Mama removed the CIA from the equation? For the first time the FBI is doing foreign intelligence. But it was 'policies in place for years' that are being blamed for the failure

It couldn't have anything to do with Yo Mama's case against the CIA for 'waterboarding'?

TimO said...

If the stupids of this country really want to go this way of humanizing the de-evolved mass attacking us, then we will just have to accept that it will take losing another 3,000 or 30,000 or (with a pilfered Iranian nuke) 300,000 people before we wake up and do something about it....

You can't treat a cancer with a candy bar; you have to cut it out or poison it to death.

Anonymous said...

They pop simultaneous EMP bursts over the east coast, the Gulf coast and the west coast, 300,000 will be a drop in the bucket before the resulting anarchy settles down. If I was Am-a-dinner-jacket, I'd get together with the Norks and Yugo Chavez, and that's how I'd do it. Even money That One wouldn't do a damn thing about it, either. I'm just saying.


Gayle Miller said...

I've been saying for years that there is only one way to deter a bully - kick the living crap out of him until he knows you are SERIOUS and then put a major hurt on him! But what do I care - I'm an old fart and soon to retire to Mexico!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I too want to move to Mexico, or Poland. MoSup; never.

Anonymous said...

H, you don't even need three nukes.
Just one in the right place and at the right altitude would put the entire lower 48 back in the 18th century in about 0.05 seconds.

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