The Next Shoe to Drop in Residential Lending: FHA?
If you're fine with the premise that bankers, left to their own
devices, hunger to make loans to people with no yob, no credit, and no
way, then this new-age journalism piece at HuffPo may be read breathlessly.
2 million+ -- whom neighbors described as "wonderful people who paid
taxes and coached little league --"who lynched several hundred
congressmen yesterday, remain an enigma - aka Crazy in Copenhagen.
if the U.S. doesn’t sign a new ‘Kyoto II’ agreement in Copenhagen next
week, the U.S. Congress is considering legislation to constrain
American life to the tune of more than a household spends on groceries
every year for eight years.
Mmmmm, trending
Drill, Baby, Drill... Even Off-Shore
"I commend Interior Secretary
Salazar’s decision today to conditionally approve drilling at three
exploratory wells in the Chukchi Sea off the northwest coast of Alaska;
it’s a decision that’s been a long time coming." -- Tongue in cheek? Does Sarah smell a Red herring? I do.
Democrats campaign against Obama's Afghan surge
In Massachusetts, all of the Democrats running in a special primary to
fill Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's seat oppose the surge, as do the two top
Democrats fighting for the nomination for Ohio's U.S. Senate seat in
2010.What would the New York Times call this if was Republicans campaigning against Bush? A Party in Disarray, maybe?
An Inconvenient Democracy
The EPA aims to bully Congress and business with its carbon ruling.
China Scandal
I'm only conversant in "menu Chinese
," but it appears food meant for export to the U.S. was sold at home!?!
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