Sunday, December 06, 2009

What's on their mind?

Curmudgeonly & Skeptical
As the paranoia turns ...
Ed Schultz Wants Secret Service to 'Pledge Allegiance' to Obama


Anonymous said...

Why not hire away some of Kim Jung Il's army officers? Those guys have had plenty of practice at chanting loyalty to a Dear Leader.
And WTF is Ed Schultz? Not the brother of TRKOF, I hope. ;>D
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Desiree fired the Bush era employee in the social secretary's office who stood at the door with a computer print-out of the guest list and checked off each invited attendee. She said that due to the economy, the Obama Administration wouldn't be having that many events (?!)

I guess it will take 17 days for the media to catch up on this like it did with climaquiddick.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

He was demoted from Air America to MSNBC

m-dos said...

Ed Schultz is pretty typical of talk radio on the left hand side of the dial.

He has an agenda and has no problem spouting stupid as long as it fits his agenda. Little things like doing a bit of research and paying attention to facts are no substitute for personal attacks and outright lunacy.

I've sometimes wondered if Schultz isn't really a complete Phil Hendrie impersonization.

Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...

So the Secret Service is to become a 21st Century Praetorian guard? The left should be careful.. the Praetorian guard 'removed' more than one emperor on their own volition.

Firehand said...

Dammit, Hell beat me to it.

Hey, they liked the columns when The One deigned to accept the nomination, so why wouldn't they? And since they plan on trying to hold power forever...

'Course, they aren't considering that last bit, are they?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah -- that'll work...

Cuz beta metrosexuals make such good Secret Service Agents... "Just talk to the terrorists, Adrian -- we can convince them to give up and take a TARP bailout instead!"


cmblake6 said...

While they may swear to protect the pResident, I don't think they swear to protect a PARTICULAR pResident. What they DO swear to protect, I'm sure, is the Constitution. From ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC!
Gentlepersons, REMEMBER YOUR OATH!

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