Friday, January 15, 2010

I forgot Joe Kennedt was running ...

Suffolk University Poll

Another surprise -- The Kennedy family's endorsement may have actually hurt Coakley. With 27% said it makes them less likely to vote for her... 20% more likely.

"The Kennedy endorsement resonates among registered Democrats, but registered Democrats are spoken for," Paleologos said.

And here's one more surprise. While Brown is beating Coakley head-to-head, 64% of voters we surveyed say Coakley will win the election.

"People don't believe that the rest of the state of Massachusetts will vote for Scott Brown, despite the fact that they personally will vote for Scott Brown," Paleologos said.

If -- repeat if -- Scott Brown wins next Tuesday, it is no exaggeration to say he will change the world of politics as we know it.


Jess said...

Imagine that. People that feel an endorsement by a Kennedy is not a good thing. They must not know how important the Kennedy clan thinks it is.

gadfly said...

The latest poll, just out, is sponsored by Pajamas Media and it shows Brown up by 15%!

B....... said...

Rumor has it that Obama will be making a visit to Massachusetts on Sunday to pitch for Coakley. Will it be another fool's errand, a failure of Olympic proportions?

Anonymous said...

another fool's errand, a failure of Obamic proportions.
Hope so. Uhbama is batting 1.000 with his reverse Midas touch, everything he's touched having turned to shit, and we don't want to break that string.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

tom said...

One extract from a poll said the following {more or less}:

64% of those participating in the poll said they will be voting for Brown, while they expected him to lose.

In other words, they all think the rest of the populace is to their left. Maybe they will wake up to the fact that New England USED TO BE bedrock conservative, but has been hornswoggled by the Dem-Union thuggery to believe different. One can hope, but don't count on it.


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