Right-Wing Flame War! |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Right-Wing Flame War! |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
"Didja read this? So that's what "bloggers" are like..."
nice twofer, NYT.
I haven't been to LGF in over a year. I lost interest when CJ went into a full bore assault on creationists. Even though I don't have a religious bone in my body, I fail to see how creationists are a threat to the Republic.
Then CJ got into wars with sites like Gate of Vienna and other blogs that I read regularly. Just stopped reading LGF at that point.
What the leftards think of the backstabber:
CJ: the Joe Lieberman of the blogosphere
As Napoleon sais of the Swiss:
"The fence sitters make a good target for both sides"
Obviously, the Jihadists and the
Bolcheviks are still sore at him,
Charlie, their new convert......
I stopped when he agreed that Global Warming is real.
More from lgfwatch:
"his moral claim was established early on as "your a nazi!"
that structure lead to charles' superficial pivot from left to right"
"Chucky thinks he's being awfully clever. He's actually being incredibly stupid. What he has effectively done is totally alienate himself from both ends of the U.S. political spectrum. He didn't tow the narrow right-wing line(although he sure did attempt it), and he has committed many of the cardinal sins of the left for which there is no atonement.
Now all he has is a small band of sycophantic cultists who have to figuratively submit their testicles to him in order to remain on his pointless, irrelivant and increasingly advertisement soaked web site."
"Steve you are right, all he is is a douchebag. Chuckie's idiosyncratic style of politics has nothing to do with left/right, liberal/conservative. He bases every issue on his emotional response to it in that second. Indicative of this is how with recent comments, he bans people even if they completely agree with him. The guy is so insecure that the slightest infraction in tone(real or imagined) is enough to set him off.
The only real reason he dislikes Glenn Beck is because "a challenger appears" that dwarfs his own considerable megalomania.
The whole thing is fascinating, I swear psychologists should be analysing his break-down over the last year or so."
I can't believe I read the whole thing. Anyone who longs for the days of Cronkite is a fool.
I wouldn't piss on Cronkite's grave.
I would. Where is it?
Does his mother know what he's doing in her basement?
According to findagrave.com it's in Kansas City Mo.
HMMMMM, good centralized location, maybe we should pick a date, get together, and water the old boy. How does the 4th of July work for you guys?
Gee there are so many that deserve a watering. I was just at LGF (fool that I am) and I was reading the post on Glenn Beck's documentary on Friday. Of course the normal vitriol was on tap along with the usual sycophantic drones. I nominate George Bernard Shaw for that honor - his detestable screed documented on the show more than grants him this right. Lets all resolve to piss on Shaw whenever we can!!!