I love the way every time Martha Coakley attempts to correct the missteps in her campaign she ends up amplifying them.
Portrayed as a hack put up by the party machine who can't be bothered
campaigning with real voters, she busses in Obama, Kerry and various
minor Kennedys for a rally at a private school.
Revealed as a dimwit who can barely string a coherent sentence
together on war and foreign policy, she fires back that she only took
her position on Afghanistan because the idiot primary voters made her do it.
Hammered as the emblem of a lazy out-of-touch one-party state whose
ruling establishment takes power for granted, she issues a press
release complaining about Election Day irregularities dated the day before the election.
Democrats do what they have to do, but she better have a good
case here because the difference between Massachusetts and
Coleman/Franken in Minnesota is that this time round the Dems' tired
old jiggery-pokery is part of the rap against them.