scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, February 08, 2010
A footprint in a pail of water
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
2/8/10, 3:46 PM
- gregor said...
pardon me if I don't weep...
2/8/10, 3:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Not to worry, the dumbasses in Cambria County PA. will continue to vote for the asshole for years to come!
2/8/10, 3:56 PM
- B....... said...
Heh! Josh - 10!
2/8/10, 4:21 PM
- Spunky Texan said...
good ridance
another seat is open! -
2/8/10, 4:24 PM
Anonymous said...
“I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.”...
2/8/10, 4:24 PM
Anonymous said...
All I gotta say is, Will Rogers never met that sumbitch. Say hello to Teddy for us, scumbag.
And I don't really mean that, any other way than just exactly how I said it.
H -
2/8/10, 4:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Zinn in January, Murtha in February, a Republican elected in Massachusetts, 2010 is starting out pretty good.
Javert -
2/8/10, 5:17 PM
- pdwalker said...
couldn't take the cold, I guess and decided to go to a warmer place.
yeah, it'll be warm for him. -
2/8/10, 5:27 PM
- BlogDog said...
They can save money on embalming fluid - he's already rotten to the core.
I try not hate but I really hope he died in great and abiding pain. -
2/8/10, 6:17 PM
- BruHa said...
When you are dead the only thing left behind is the perception of ones character, fairly judged in the context of the totality of ones life.
I wish peace to be with his family, and may his life's efforts serve as example to others on how not to act in public office. -
2/8/10, 6:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I wish I could come up with a comment.
Tim -
2/8/10, 7:03 PM
- Chuck from Tacoma said...
2/8/10, 8:33 PM
- gadfly said...
Everything you ever needed to know about that Mutha, Murtha, is here: -
2/8/10, 8:46 PM
Snackeater said...
My mother always told me that if I couldn't say something nice about a person, to not say anything at all.
2/8/10, 8:57 PM
DougM said...
2/8/10, 9:52 PM
- pdwalker said...
And it's very good advice, but sometimes it's hard, so very, very hard to keep a still tongue against someone who's been so...
Well, I've never claimed to be perfect, but once in a while I'll strive towards it, especially when gently reminded by my betters. -
2/8/10, 9:56 PM
- Unknown said...
Are they going to bury him or flush him?
2/8/10, 10:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Touche Edward! But betting on the come, we have to add another spot to the grave pissing tour.
Casca -
2/8/10, 10:59 PM
- Kristophr said...
Americas only ex-Marine is gone.
2/8/10, 11:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Let's see now - names for the pissing tour....
George Bernard Shaw
now who else should be on here....the possibilities are endless.
Bolivar -
2/9/10, 6:25 AM
- Kevin said...
Semper fi.
'Twas time to die. -
2/9/10, 8:57 AM
Anonymous said...
I'll bet that he gets buried in Arlington. Only has to have served in the military and get elected to federal office.
Why? Same reason Ted got buried there and Jimmah will get buried there: So's people cannot micturate on their graves... Guarded 24X7x365
Okay, I am being rude, but the man was so totally disrespectful to those serving on active duty currently and in the recent past.
tomw -
2/9/10, 9:00 AM
- Grumpyunk said...
I called his office every time another of the Haditha troops was exonerated and asked his staffers when was he gonna apologize to them. Dirty bastard went to his grave w/o doing it. Rot in Hell, Jack.
2/9/10, 9:46 AM
Anonymous said...
Oh, properly executed, I'm sure it could be done. Might get arrested, but if you have enough people on the bus, even that becomes problematic for the federal mall cops. The soldiers there are ceremonial for the most part, and only guard the tomb of the unknown, and JFK's monument as far as I recollect.
Casca -
2/9/10, 10:34 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
"Americas only ex-Marine is gone."
You win Kristopher -
2/9/10, 12:13 PM