Why We Win Fraternity Mocks Black History Month With "Compton Cookout" |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Mocks Black History Month
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
These people must never have seen a MSM black-family Sitcom over the past 30 years. They just about all advance these same stereotypes (that's how they became Stereotypes!)
Even shows like CSI often portray successful blacks (outside of the show's token) as gansta-rapping pimps and ho's. The whole 'MTV-Gansta-rap'movement is based on it.
And what's up with Black Entertainment Channel? What if someone proposed a White Entertainment Channel? -
2/21/10, 1:20 PM
Anonymous said...
When reading this on news sites the other day, I cheered them on! Sorry, I don't find it over the top or in poor taste. Where do you think the idea came from in the first place? The things they see everyday. The hip hop culture has kept the word nigger alive in everyday speak; they call their women bitches and ho's; wear "grills" for teeth, gigantic hood ornament necklaces; and West Coast Rappers prided themselves on being from the da Compton hood. I think the party is as fair as it comes, considering that same campus most likely has Latino, Asian and Afro-American clubs, but not Caucasian as that would be "Racist."
Before my husband retired from CDC, most prisons had Latino, Afro, Asian, American Indian, etc, Officer Associations. When CCC tried to begin a Caucasian Officers Association in response, it was rapidly extinguished.
So, I call BS on the whiney azzed "minority" protectionism. *grrrr* -
2/21/10, 2:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Toga,TOga, TOGa, TOGA,TOGA !!!!
2/21/10, 2:43 PM
molonlabe28 said...
And what if there was a Congressional Black Caucus which excluded black Congress members on the basis of race?
The whole undercurrent of BHM is that black is good and white is evil.
The garbage which passes for a good bit of black culture (i.e. the things that these college kids were parodying) is why the black community has such rampant single parent families, high prison rates, unemployment, drug abuse, etc.
Somebody needs to denigrate this insidious influence on black children and young adults.
Where is the Congressional Black Caucus when it comes to remedying the problems which have destroyed the black community much more than any white man has done since the Jim Crow days, which the promotors of BHM would have us believe was a few short years ago. -
2/21/10, 2:52 PM
- Kenneth said...
Interesting that none of those expressing opinions about the event (in the clip) had any clue that the PC implication that their race is almost hopelessly crippled - that they need special consideration and assistance (and no satire) or they will perish as a unique people, - is the greatest insult of all.
2/21/10, 2:58 PM
- vanderleun said...
Would it be so wrong to adopt a policy of simply responding "Oh blow me." to all these crapulous and boring statements?
BTW; Why is my security word "prednut" ? -
2/21/10, 4:14 PM
Anonymous said...
needs to denigrate this insidious influence
Molonlabe, that was very niggardly of you to say that during BHM. Raaaciiisssst!
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick. -
2/21/10, 4:36 PM
- vanderleun said...
Actually, what's raaaacist is that Black History Month is the shortest month.
2/21/10, 6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
It's not because they have the shortest... oh, never mind. Rodger will just 'ahem' me again.
Tim -
2/21/10, 9:07 PM
Anonymous said...
HAHAHA-I have quite a few black friends, some of these men I've known for over 30 years and I can tell you from being in their homes with their friends-blacks are THE most racist group I've ever encountered-Everything and I do mean everything is judged on the basis of skin color.
If I can describe blacks in one word, that word is "entitled" They feel they are SOOOO effing owed.
I'm glad to see things like this thrown back in their faces-for too long we've been the oppressed by this whole "white guilt" bullshit
MM -
2/22/10, 2:09 AM
Anonymous said...
That is my exact experience with blacks. Thank you for putting it into words.
As you can see, I remain Anonymous due to cowardice. -
2/22/10, 10:38 AM
- BruHa said...
Boo Got Shot!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SK6_Di_3O0 -
2/22/10, 12:43 PM
Montana said...
You real can’t take these uneducated UCSD white trailer trash anywhere. This is what happens when more than one of these guys puts their minds together.
Oh, where exactly was a speech going on? Thats right, no where, but keep plucking that chicken.
Or as carri said "It’s a plot by the fundamentalist rightwing party of tyranny called Republicans. They foment hate, they sneer, they make excuses for their behavior and blame everyone else. They advocate the supremacy of their America – a lily-white America. They are scared and frightened becuase (gasp) a black man has been elected to the White House. They are losing conrol and like cornered animals, they are lashing out. This is the national leadership from whom these studants take their cues." -
2/25/10, 12:16 AM