In 2005 I told y'all about using fluorescent light scanning to digitize my old 35mm slides. Hundreds of them. What happened was
this. After spending untold hours on the project, the file just up
and disappeared from my hard drive Poof. I said the hell with
it. Last year Woot had a deal on an ION slide copier, so I picked
it up. But guess what? I couldn't find my slides. Just
disappeared. Poof.
Today I went downstairs to get a tub of spackle for the laundry room,
and instead found my slide collection; Mo-Sup had "organized" them for
me. Ahem. Anyway, I just now did my first one. Now,
this sumbitch is prolly 60 years old. I think I'm shimmying up a
coconut tree to sniper Japs on Guadalcanal. Or, it's my honeymoon
in Puerto Rico. Can't tell one from the other anymore.
Lord knows what I'll find next. I took pictures of everything. Everything.