Son of a bitch! |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Son of a bitch! |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Holy crap!!!
Same here. I just hope the roof doesn't collapse.
Build the mother of all snow forts? YES!
Rog you should try some SeaFoam in your generator, probably just all gunke dup from old gas. Good luck down there, we are only going for 8-12 inches up north in Connnecticut.
Rodger, you were always wanting to visit Alaska, now Alaska is visiting you.
Quit you're whining, it's 80 and beautiful here in Maui
FYI: Phoenix- mid 60's, 30% chance for rain. I've lived here 51 years and haven't had to shovel my drive even once.
I once walked into a Safeway in Tucson , and saw a guy in the canned good's section with a 1911 on his hip ! You got a good state there : ) smibsid
1. Any gas that is five year old is varnish. Drain gas tank, put in fresh gas.
2. Take out spark plug and clean it or just replace it.
3. Change oil (full synthetic which stays nice and fluid even if its colder than a witch's tit)
3. Get some carb start (ether) and spray a very small amount into the carburetor.
4. Try starting it.
Murphy; no snow, but you live in Phoenix; worst drivers in the world, terrible traffic,corrupt politicians, the AZ Republic, 110degree summers,can't see the Milky Way at night, noisy, home invasions, and Spanish is becoming the primary language.
RAK-Live from Northern AZ
Up in New Hampshire, we find that fresh snow and Southern Comfort snowcones take the sting out deep snow 'blues'.
I offer this as delicately as possible, in six months a hurricane will be pointed in the general direction of S. Florida. Most of you folks will say something like "I don't know how anyone lives down there with those deadly storms...."
Ya see now? BTW, the trout are going nuts on the Biscayne flats. Caught 12 yesterday and I'm pretty sunburned......oops
Sounds like Siberia and Oklahoma. I'm only exaggerating a little.
Glow ball worming's a bytch ain't it.
WD-40 will work as a 'starting fluid' if you don't have ether. If you drop the float bowl (mostly a 1/2" box wrench) you will likely find the pickup tube that the mounting bolt screws into has some plugged pinholes from the gasoline that turned to dreck. Use a pin and clean 'em out. Clean float bowl and re-install, fill tank w/fresh fuel. Pocket the $50 service call or use to purchase ethanol type fuel for personal use.
Always let a motor that will remain idle for months at a time run dry.
Drain the tank ( or disconnect it if it's an outboard boat motor ), start the engine, and let it run until the carb bowls or fuel injector pump and lines are empty.
If you leave fuel in there for a long time, it will gunk up, and you'll have to tear it down to clean it out.
Gasoline stored for lawn mowing or generators should be spiked with Sta-Bil, and poured into your car and replaced every six months regardless.
I do it with my motorcycle, and used to do it with my old boat's outboard, and I never had issues starting them up come spring.
I religiously run the fuel tanks dry on the lawnmower, tiller, etc. before winter storage, but for some reason I left gas in the generator. Oye.