Friday, March 12, 2010

Hollywood Scum

Which Celebrity Has Made the
Most Outrageous Statement Lately?

 Newsbusters asks the question.   Click on a green bar  to see what was said.   I voted for Tom Hanks.  He chooses roles that wrap him in the flag, but marches in the Michael Moore Brigade.  They're all Hollywood, and all asshoes though.  Your mileage may differ.
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Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

Tom Hanks because it's the most surprising. Imus might not be surprised, but Hanks has made a bunch of movies that are great, patriotic movies (and shows). Saving Private Ryan, and Band of Brothers are two of my favorite things to watch in the world.

Sean Penn doesn't register. He's not relevant anymore. Same with Ventura. What a ^%$#ing nutcase.

B....... said...

Well said, Josh. Hanks gets my vote for exactly the reasons you've stated.......

Anonymous said...

Ever since the flap with the dixie twits (remember them?) and Linda Ronstadt I've always been puzzled by entertainers who insult and alienate a little more that half of their van base. Then I remember reading the book about Elvis written by his former body guards after they were fired. Stars live in a sheltered bubble. They havent got a clue. I'd love the money but not the fame and trappings.

Anonymous said...

Used to think highly of Hanks. Well that went to hell. He is of the same commie cloth that 99% of Hollywood asshats are cut. Too bad, he is a helluva actor and managed to get into (or get with) some damn fine productions including the abovementioned. SPR is one of my all time favorites. The end scenes make me blubber every time.


Anonymous said...

Put them all in the same basket and drop it down a very deep well.

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