An Open Letter To SF Muni
Fuck you.
Let me start over.
Fuck you.
You are the public transportation system. Say that out loud. You are,
supposedly, the way I should transport myself. You know, to places like
“everywhere” and “anywhere”. So let me just say I’m a little bit
confused. (H/T Marc Miller)
Bunning's Best Pitch (He
gave up his filibuster in the wee hours, but ) ... Call him
crazy, but the senator is revealing the hypocrisy of Congress'
pay-as-you-go promises. It seems there's always an "emergency" to
justify adding another $10 billion or so in red ink.
It is time for Kay Bailey Hutchinson to resign and make way for Senator Michael Williams.
Kay Bailey Hutchinson re-enacted the Martha Coakley campaign, with all
of the entitlement and arrogance. She, thus, overwhelmingly lost the
Republican primary to Governor Rick Perry tonight.
Patent Reform Is a Patent Giveaway
Now that communist China has become America's banker, China is flexing
its muscles in a new way that threatens our economy and our jobs. The
buzzword is "indigenous innovation."
China has promulgated new anti-American trade rules that prohibit
imports of our products unless they are based on intellectual property
that is developed and/or owned in China, and associated trademarks are
originally registered in China. Enter lick-spittle Senate Judiciary
Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. |   Unplugged
Lid blows off Obama's forgotten scandal
Congressmen pry loose evidence of president's illegal cronyism
Little Kid Takes Over JFK Airport Control Tower
At one point during the course of the child’s five transmissions, an
adult male voice in the tower explains the situation to local air
traffic: “This is what you get, guys, when the kids are out of school.”
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