1) The New BDS (Beck Derangement Syndrome): He wants to
talk about chalktalks but... he.... just.... CAN'T... control...
Without going into the whole sordid mess-o-links, I note that Beck has
been getting slammed from both the right and the left in the last week.
It seems Mr. Beck did a show where he got it "wrong" about Geert
Wilders, the Dutch politician.- but ....
2) Second American female convert to Islam arrested in plot to kill Motoonist
Last Easter, Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, a 31-year-old mom with a
$30,000-a-year job as a medical assistant, announced to her family that
she had converted to Islam. A few months later, she began posting to
Facebook forums whose headings included "STOP caLLing MUSLIMS
AP: Texas ed board vote reflects far-right influences
AUSTIN, Texas – A far-right faction of the Texas State Board of Education succeeded
Friday in injecting conservative ideals into social studies, history and
economics lessons that will be taught to millions of students for the
next decade.
4) Kneale: Obama as Ahab, Strapped to Moby Dick
My guess is that ObamaCare will pass (insert bone-wracking shudder
here). And, like Moby Dick plunging to the ocean’s depths, it will take
with it Obama’s presidency and the Democrats’ control of Congress.
But it isn't the Obama presidency I worry about.
5) Climategate.com
shuts down
The entire WordPress site is still on my server and will be saved for
a buyer if they are interested. First $100,000 takes it
6) SEIU_AndyStern

10:32 pm EST
Glen Beck is after you use Facebook and see!!
(via @SEIU_AndyStern)
7) PG&E customer refuses to take smart meter, locks up old meter
"To me it's unconstitutional, it's an invasion of my privacy," said Mark Dieteman.
The smart meter allows PG&E to watch energy usage remotely and lets
customers monitor how much electricity they use. However, residents
have blamed the devices for a dramatic increase in their bills,
prompting calls for an investigation. A Bakersfield man also filed a
class-action lawsuit, which claims customers were overcharged and
should get a refund.
8) House aide confirms Slaughter Solution never used before; Still, 'they are moving down that road'
he procedure - dubbed by critics as the "Slaughter Solution" - is the
brain-child of House Rules Committee Chairman Rep. Louise Slaughter,
D-NY, who, at the request of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, is
trying to fashion a rule that would allow the House to move toward
passage of a health care reform bill without a recorded vote on the
Senate version.
9) Biden Debunked: Cramer Declares Avoiding Taxes a 'Patriotic Duty'
"The government has made it very clear in a series of
tax rulings since the income tax started - and I learned this at law
school - that it is actually well within your patriotic right to try
and pay as little tax legally ... ."
10) Come to Washington DC on March 16, 2010. Stop Pelosi's Health Care
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