Man Who Carried Gun In Park Has Permit Revoked |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Man Who Carried Gun In Park Has Permit Revoked |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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What's an AK-47 style pistol?
It's a shame that this kind of thing happens in the home state of Sgt York.
AK-47 type pistol
Must have been one a them dangerous 9 caliber pistol magnums with a large capacity clip. It's a AK-47 type because it has some wood on it or it was made in Rumania.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
More than likely , it was a barrel that was too short. Everyone know that anytime anyone gets within 5 miles of an AK with a barrel shorter than 16.3" turns into a homicidal maniac.
Another gun confiscation story from Oregon.
No, there are AK 47 style pistols; under 16" barreled Aks with the folding stock removed. They are re-manufactured in this country and sold as pistols. they are the same 7.62x39 cal as the AK 47 semi autos. and they take the same magazines.
Look at J& G Sales' ads for AKs and they are listed there.
I was looking at the photo of him on his bike.... I started thinking about what I would do if I were driving up next to him.... would I wave and give the thumbs up or would I steer clear worried about seeing someone in public with an ak? I found myself empathizing with an ignorant but nervous public.... I think we ought to be exercising prudence in deference to the fears of our neighbors. Most of our neighbors are ignorant of the fact that they are safer because we are well armed but if we cause them to fear, as some have given them reason to fear, we will only harm our cause. Prudence does not say we do not carry in public, it says we do so discretely. Just a thought.
Yep agree about the exercising reasonable prudence but I have witnessed folks from the Eastern Seaboard FREAK OUT at a properly holstered and legally carried 1911, here in AZ.
THEY are unreasonable at that point.
as to the guy in the photo, heck, my wife has more and better guns in here SUV:-)
I agree with eyes. It is technically legal to open carry in my home state of LA. That said they will get you for disturbing the peace. Perhaps one day we will get to the place where seeing guns doesnt scare these nancies, but until then carry concealed and educate your friends. This accomplishes nothing but gives the brady asshats more ammo.