Saturday, March 13, 2010

On a slab

Mind Bubbles
Boned Jello

Last night while searching for something in my Media II files, a large collection of about 200,000 pictures from the 2005-2008 era,  two images flashed by in close proximity.  The first was Nancy Pelosi spooning with Rahm Emanuel. The second was the one on the right.  Of course that's not Rahm on a morgue slab, but it sure as hell reminded me of him.  Prolly something Rorschachy about that.  Oh, did you identify the corpse ?  It will remain for history to decide which of the three was the bigger threat.  Pelosi has my vote.


Anonymous said...

Klaus Barbi


Rodger the Real King of France said...

check the green corpse

Anonymous said...

Nothing smalls as sweet as the rotting bodies of your enemies

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