Media Celebrate GOP's Waterloo and other wtf |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Media Celebrate GOP's Waterloo and other wtf |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Hey Rog, there's a whole bunch of states a fixing to sue the Federali's over this. Do you remember what that looks like? Did you learn this in school? Curious if this is common knowledge in your hood.
I know about it. Can't say about the other happy Maryland Campers.
As another subject of the People's Republic of Maryland, I knew this. If they attempt this, then they are aiming at another War of Northern Aggression. Only this time, most of the MFCS liberals will be bringing talking points to a gunfight.
"The despot's heel is on thy shore ... " - Vice Sgt Boone
Yaknow, if they had passed this sooner they might have been able to save the swimmer.
anybody got a consonant? How apt
If they ever turn on the bastards, Obama, and half of Congress, will have to catch the first train to the coast. Richard Nixon will look like Mr. Rodgers compared to the demon they'll describe in their articles.
Roveless..... Crap happens when Karl ain't in the game.
Ha! I was thinking L for loveless.
History looks like Teddy's grave? After this bill, I think that's actually what the future looks like.
Picture: Krazy Katie Kouric and the Kabanakunts.
Kool new heavy metal salsa band.
I salute to the best one-letter response in the history of responses, JMcD.