The Antidote for today's In Passing |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, March 15, 2010
You can, and should, laff at these people
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Let me guess, every one of these dung-brains voted for obama, a guy who thought it was just fine and dandy to throw human babies who survived late term abortions into storerooms to die of starvation, exposure and dehydration..
What a bunch of buttwipes.
Oh, by the way, at 1:13 is the guy in the background grabbing the broad's milk jugs?? I do like the blonde and brunette in the foreground at the same time staring lovingly into each other's eyes. I wonder if they dye their carpets green
-------------------------- -
3/15/10, 6:22 AM
- pdwalker said...
I can't laugh at them. They are all too pathetic. I mean, seriously-boned-in-the-head-pathetic. If it wasn't for the safety of the modern world, Dear Sweet Mother Gaia would turn them into compost in short order.
I guess cultures can be too rich if they can afford to support such nonsense. -
3/15/10, 9:54 AM
Anonymous said...
The only things missing are the teddy bears.
3/15/10, 10:59 AM
Anonymous said...
I think a huge bulldozer suddenly crashing through the trees behind these idiots would have been the perfect ending to this clip. Seeing them scatter like little scared pansies into the forrest would have really made me laugh.
3/15/10, 11:43 AM
Anonymous said...
Did I miss somehting? It looked like the tree died a natural death. No evidance of man-applied cutting/log was apparent.
So, these asshats are upset that a free-range tree died a natural death and thus reinforced that whole "circle of life" thing.
Bet these doofuses voted for THE ONE and will hurry to join a Coffee Club. Too many people have too much time on their hands.
MAJ Mike -
3/15/10, 11:58 AM
Anonymous said...
free-range tree
You guys are too funny; thanks for my chortle of the day!
Rodger, you must have a super secret sixth generation doppelganger narrow aperture look down see up radar to find all this wacky stuff. Be sure to install it in the B-52 for the liberation from liberals missions.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
3/15/10, 12:22 PM
Anonymous said...
What. The. Pkukk????
3/15/10, 1:04 PM
- BobG said...
I keep waiting for one of them to yell "Leave Britney alone!".
3/15/10, 2:02 PM
- rickn8or said...
People with JOBS don't have TIME for this happy horsh*t.
3/15/10, 4:46 PM
Chuck Martel said...
No, no. This is good.
This way they're out in the woods hugging trees instead of firebombing U.S. Army recruiting offices.
The next time we should rent several buses so they all can go.
Then drive off and leave them. Make them walk back home.
That would be so funny! -
3/15/10, 5:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Posted this at FB recently and happily so. It was a laugh fest for me. No other response necessary! :D
Juice -
3/15/10, 5:39 PM
- Greg said...
Looks to me like the tree was brought own by a...
(wait for it....)
Beaver. -
3/16/10, 11:45 PM