Monday, April 19, 2010

Follow Instructions

meanwhile in palm beach
Boned Jello


An ignorant dickweed. said...

The guy is an idiot, that is a video camera and doesn't use film.

Anonymous said...

Ow! I wasn't expecting teh funny on a monday morning!


Anonymous said...

"There are two types of football players you can't do anything with. The one who won't do what you tell him, and the one who won't do anything but what you tell him." ~Bum Phillips


Spunky Texan said...

Must be one of those Floridians who cannot figure out how to vote

DougM said...

No, Chad, the other sleeve.
No, the other sleeve.

TimO said...

I'm from near West Palm Beach and I can tell you a lot of 'em down there just ain't that smart (just look at how they voted in the last couple of elections...)

JMcD said...

According to officials in Tallyhassle, it is proper to remove the CHAD.

tom said...

"I know they didn't follow directions, I know they didn't push the pin through the proper spot, I know they used markers to scribble out votes, but we need to discern their *INTENTION*...."

Frack. They HAD no intention. That is why they could not follow simple instructions. Burn any ballot that does not meet a simple test: "Did they follow directions?"
Algore pandered to people of little intellect, formed his campaign based upon electoral vote, and then tried to cherry-pick counties where he thought he could overcome W's lead, ignoring all those other counties where other votes with similar defects would be discarded.
AND he did it for about 30 days, keeping 300 million on tenterhooks.
Talk about narcissism...

I had expected W to win the popular and Algore to win the electoral, and was prepared to accept that outcome. Apparently, the other side didn't and was not...

mojo said...

That's almost as good as the one with the paper towel dispenser in the men's room that says "pull down, tear up"...

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