Friday, April 23, 2010


Obanazi Stewart Calls It:
‘Obamacare’ Racist

Doo-Dah Doo-Dah

On Tuesday night's The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, Stewart discussed a new book, A New American Tea Party: The Counterrevolution Against Bailouts, Handouts, Reckless Spending, and More Taxes, with its author, John O’Hara. O’Hara drops the O word—"Obamacare"—several minutes into the discussion about whether the tea-party movement is or is not antigovernment.

Stewart immediately jumps on O’Hara’s slip, calling him out on using the “derogatory” phrase and firing back by referring to O’Hara’s book as a “tea-bagger book.” O’Hara stammers for a few seconds and tries to defend his word choice, but concedes to calling it the health-reform bill instead. (It’s a law, by the way.)
That same Obamazine (Newsweek) page contains a link to "The McVeigh Tapes." Obamunist Rachel Maddow plays tape with McVeigh discussing why he blew up a government building.  There will will necessarily be linkage to the Tea Party.

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