| Obama
Sociopath with degree in pathological lying |
Mysterious deaths and scandal
Hate and misuse the military
Nation revolting at the polls after just 2 years in office
Priority: Seize nation's health care industry
Use government agencies to harass dissidents
Reliably accused of using and trafficking hard drugs
Use willing media to cast political opponents as drooling, right-wing fascists
Raise vast amounts of campaign money from illegal, or undisclosed foreign sources.
Ongoing cover-up campaign to squelch investigations into past; massive document disposal.
Obnoxiously ambitious wife uses husband's office to further career and $$
A DOJ that refused to prosecute Administration criminal activity after referral by investigative agencies.
A DOJ that knew in advance of plan to blow-up a federal building in Oklahoma City, but stopped ATF from moving against it ( for unexplained reasons). Tim McVeigh sets modern day land speed record from indictment-to-executed.
US Citizen