Friday, May 28, 2010

Boxer's VaJayJay

Tip: Bring a gun and pepper spray


Anonymous said...

Before breakfast? Really??


JMcD said...

Hey...don't think of it as "spelunking"

Think of it as "spunklunking"

Anonymous said...

I think BP has another hole to plug. With a 'junk shot' no doubt.


DougT said...

That's "Senator Vagina" to you. It has worked very hard for that title and would appreciate you using it . . . not using the vagina . . . just the title . . . Senator.

DougM said...

I thought she was from California,
not Virg ...
Oh, wait.

vanderleun said...

Okay. You really have to stop doing that without a warning. There is some shit up with which I shall not put!

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