The Obamacy |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, May 14, 2010
Holder - Again
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Hmmm. Looks like he got his law degree from Hamburger University.
5/14/10, 3:16 PM
Anonymous said...
Nah, Hamburger U makes you do things right. More likely National University.
Casca -
5/14/10, 3:21 PM
Anonymous said...
Naw, Holder graduated Lawdy How Come from Wassamatta U.
cap'n chumbucket -
5/14/10, 3:23 PM
- Scottiebill said...
I thought that Holder had gotten his law degree by answering an ad in the back pages of Mechanix Illustrated. Had he gotten his degree from Hamburger University, he could be doing something useful by flipping burgers at one of his alma mater's outlets rather than what he is doing now - playing first-string toady to the Komrade Peter Principle President and apologist for the guy who tried to bomb Times Square.
5/14/10, 3:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Holder is an Incompetent Ass!
5/14/10, 6:30 PM
- toadold said...
Considering the quality of the graduates of the big name Ivy League schools these days, I agree that a Hamburger U graduate would probably do a better job. I read somewhere that one of the Ivy schools had a student body that 60% legacy students, that is the student got in because of who he was related to rather than scholastic merit. Couple that with affirmative action passes, the elimination of Dead White man studies, and etc. You have someone that couldn't get through a 19th century high school
5/14/10, 7:17 PM
JMcD said...
To quote Ed Morrissey at HotAir:
"Say, isn’t Holder profiling Arizonans?"
Well...yes..yes he is, I'd say. -
5/14/10, 8:32 PM
- Billll said...
Someone needs to ask Holder at one of those conferences, if he has a lawyer on retainer to take care of the legal stuff he encounters.
5/14/10, 8:35 PM