72% ignore lame-stream agit-prop Who is primarily to blame for the deadly outcome of the raid on the aid-carrying ships? |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
72% ignore lame-stream agit-prop Who is primarily to blame for the deadly outcome of the raid on the aid-carrying ships? |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
At my site, I have a standing rant called the Moonbat Percentage, where I sited many surveys that put the most anti-American, stupid, out-of-touch with reality at a consistent 21-25%. I'm largely in agreement with your theory that 28% of the people are batshit crazy, stupid, willfully ignorant, or all of the above.
I can't figure out if it's a thing of recent decades or it's always been that way. Given my belief that humans have never changed in recorded history, I'm betting on the latter. It's our job to keep those types far away from the power controls. Lately, we haven't been doing a very good job of it.
Have Israel ask "Mr. In-charge" to board the Iranian boat to negotiate terms for safe passage, then sink it.
Well, of course I voted walking them around on a leash, but when the ladies get tired of their toys, hog tie 'em and through 'em overboard.
Then, have the Israelis re-arm and re-commission the boat, paint it pink, string lace all around, crew it completely with women, and send it after its Iranian sisters.
Rog, such extravagance. The last option would cost you upwards of $1,000/hour in Frisco.
Your Majesty:
I respectfully enquire about a combination...
Why can't they sink the "aid" vessel AND play S&M with the unwilling? Islamotard Republican Guard Thugs?
Armageddon Rex
I was torn between 2 and 4, so I'm going with Armageddon Rex's suggestion.
Great commments, here people! :D
AWM, if you're correct regarding human nature, I may start to feel a bit better. The 28% are in control today and that is reflecting heavily upon the remaining 72%. And it hurts. Real bad.
Luckily we have TRKOF to provide amusing relief.