This news was included in today's Cuzzin Ricky Economic Report, by famous
economist Cuzzin Ricky. It's a subscription service that I normally
could never afford, but I get a family discount. He asks the
question, "Can any rational person tell me that they didn't see this
shit storm coming?"
It is going to get much, much worse. Our infrastructure is going to
decay, and there will be rampant crime in the streets, within our
near-term lifetime. Illegals will roam the streets (they already do,
in nearby Oakland)...and they are armed. Obamafuck now thinks it's a
good idea to trump Arizona law (which most Americans agree with) and
"legalize" them. That will put a further drain on our social services
systems, that will collapse those as well.
Can't say that it was unavoidable, but these Marxist Progressive assholes sped the process up by about a decade.
Your pensions (if you have one). savings, etc.... aren't going to be
worth shit (think Weimar Republic)..... inflated out of sight, and
taxed 'til kingdom come, when you withdraw.
I struggle at night, trying to think of what I would do differently if I
were President, and my goal was to bring this country to it's knees in
the shortest order possible and totally fuck it up. I honestly can't
think of anything I'd do differently than this Kenyan wetback asshole that sits in the White House today.
"Have a great weekend"
” |
ASIDE: That "Top
Democrat" is of course Maryland's Steny Hoyer. Should something
unthinkable happen to Speaker Hankey Pelosi, like falling down an
elevator shaft, he is her likely successor as Speaker. You've
heard of Austrian School Economics? Well, both these turds are from the Baltimore School. Think about that this Fall.