Friday, July 30, 2010


KUHNER: Should Arizona secede?
Choice between devolution and dissolution may be inevitable

Judicial activism is pushing America to the breaking point. This week, a federal judge blocked key provisions of Arizona's immigration law, thwarting the will of the people. The decision was ominous and will reverberate for years to come.

Judge Susan Bolton, appointed by former President Bill Clinton, is a liberal elitist who believes judicial imperialism trumps democracy. Her ruling states that local police cannot check the immigration status of people arrested or stopped for violations of the law. In her view, that would amount to an abuse of civil liberties and unduly burden the federal immigration system. She also stipulated that residents cannot be required to carry proof of legal status.

Her decision strikes at the very heart of the Arizona law, S.B. 1070. Supported by President Obama's Justice Department and the American Civil Liberties Union, the ruling sets the stage for a protracted legal battle. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vows to appeal the ruling - all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary. In the meantime, the people of Arizona - and America - will continue to endure the onslaught of illegal immigration.

Mr. Obama's decision to sue Arizona is a betrayal of his constitutional oath to secure our porous border.  [


Darrell said...

Rope. Tree. Some assembly required.

Anonymous said...

Northern AZ is beautiful, hell, I'll move there-this government is out of control, they care not a whit for the Constitution

Anonymous said...

What a crying shame that Red State Governors are not standing by the Az Governor. Such a huge opportunity to organize (what's that mean conservatives) and band together into something significant enough to put real fear into Washington. If the states would get together on this we might have a chance. I think it's a matter of gumption, we lost ours somewhere. Every red state should be doing this in unison. I do love to see the word secede in print.

Anonymous said...

I wish a few governors would have a meeting, and decide on a go to hell position to the Uhbamunists
- Plan to arrest any federal employee who obstructs local enforcement of state or local law
- plan to close any federal office from which the obstruction emanates
- plan to secede if necessary

As to Judge Bolton, I had this to say over at SondraKistan:
The United States argues that this section is preempted because it will....burden federal resources and impede federal enforcement and policy priorities.

Judge Bolton, that burden is not the problem of the State of Arizona, not being of their doing, but that of the Federal government by default and is no concern of Arizona in maintaining its sovereignty.
The Supreme Court has ruled in Langston, 478 F.2d at 917 that you can't overturn law on hypotheticals.
I would argue that the Federal burden would not be so high if Federal immigration laws had been enforced all along, not allowing the problem to escalate to the level of the current invasion of the United States.
It’s not an invasion you say?
The body of illegal aliens in this country, most of whom have entered via the US-Mexican border, number some 12 to 30 million.
That number is greater than the combined sizes of the armies used in WW2 by Germany to invade France, to invade Russia and by the Allies to invade Normandy.
The primary Constitutional duty of the Federal government is to protect the United States from invasion, and whether or not this duty is burdensome is not negotiable..

Judge Bolton, frankly my dear, your logic sucks and you have strained mightily, yea, bent over backwards and spread your legs even, to offer your services as whore to those who willfully destroy our sovereignty, our economy and our culture.
I’ll bet your voting record would be enlightening as to your personal ‘feelings’ and how they compare to your rulings. And we’ll be anxiously watching to see what scrap of carrion the White House tosses your way in the future for your ‘services’.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

The Tree of Liberty must not be allowed to die ! She needs a watering ! smibsid

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the judge in question just wants to pass the buck up the ladder.

In 2005 the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a unanimous decision in Muehler v. Mena that questioning someone regarding their immigration status is not a violation of Fourth Amendment rights provided that person is already lawfully detained. In other words, the police need absolutely no reason to require proof of legal residence.


Steve in Tulsa said...

It isn't a law so much about immigration as about illegal aliens who Live in Mexico and have no intention of living in the US who jump the border to rob us, kill us, kidnap us, carjack us, and then run back to Mexico to hide. All this 'immigrant' stuff is just smoke and mirrors.

toadold said...

The Red states don't need to secede they just need to kick out a some blue cities.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the "unfunded mandates" from the Fed Gov to the States has found its match...
Making the Federal Government enforce Federal Law, oh, how rude. /sarc


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