Kristopher |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Atheist Comedy
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
When the premise of all your beliefs hinges upon the philosophical conundrum of proving a negative, comedy ensues! This guy's other videos just make you want to stick fork in him ...
8/7/10, 7:41 PM
- DougM said...
As a like-minded fellow, myself, I say "Amen, brother!"
Man, I worship the ground that guy ... oh, wait.
Actually, his point is excellent.
Indeed, "crusader" atheists are usually anti-theists, not persons without belief; and they usually have another, political agenda usually involving worship of gov't (see: commie and Jonah Goldberg's cult of the state in "Liberal Fascism"). Hence, their PC/multi-culti hypocrisy.
For me, his tacky "freedom from religion" only applies to Islam, probably because it's primarily a socio-political and cultural abomination.
Personally, I have no problem at all living with religion or in a religious culture, I just don't want to be forced to participate, obey, or pay for it. As a free man in a free society, I demand and expect that. The Founding Fathers' wisdom, here, is truly remarkable. -
8/7/10, 7:43 PM
JMcD said...
Pat Condell is one of my most important heros.
On the subject of the "Religion of Peace", I'm sure you all have seen this from KISP (thanks Doug M)
<a href=">pedophile*scum</a> -
8/7/10, 9:28 PM
JMcD said...
What the???
Why didn't that work?
I'll try again.
pedophile*scum -
8/7/10, 9:37 PM
Tony Neville said...
Yes... a common misconception held by the god people. The error is assuming only the religious theory of metaphysics exists or that can exist. Apart from the absolute there is also the subjective and the objective. There could be more, but no secular philosophy from Marxism to Objectivism is founded upon proving a negative. They simply start from a different metaphysics. -
8/7/10, 11:43 PM
Tony Neville said...
This video was posted to alt.atheism (on Usenet). It used to be my haunts in the early '90s. Anyway, expressions of discontent ensued. I agreed with Pat and brought up the Left's history of supporting tyranny.
Got called a "Reich Winger" by a state worshiper. -
8/8/10, 12:11 AM
- Kristophr said...
Mheh. I am endlessly amused by "atheists" who are so unconfident that they have to assault the religious in courts while ignoring a bunch of 7th Century Islamic retards who want to kill us all.
And then they start pandering to the 20th Century's greatest religious Cult, Marxism.
The 'Progressives" hate him, as he won't excuse Islamics or the Gaians.
Sometimes Pat CAN knock one out of the park. This one is a good example. -
8/8/10, 1:24 PM
Anonymous said...
This guy makes loads of sense except on the subject of atheism. His arguments suffer the same critical flaw inherent in atheism.
"Agnosticism - reserving judgment about divine purpose - remains as defensible as ever, but atheism - the confident denial of divine purpose - becomes trickier. If you admit that we can't peer behind a curtain, how can you be sure there's nothing there?" - Paul Davies -- the renowned British-born physicist, agnostic and professor of cosmology, quantum field theory and astrobiology -- once speaking against the certainty of atheism to Time magazine (in the column "Science, God, and Man")
GrinfilledCelt -
8/10/10, 1:38 AM